A Delightful Hodgepodge

1. What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event? 

It would be painting. Whether it's interior or exterior, I find the act of painting enjoyable. I often feel tempted to skip the prep work altogether, but I know it's a necessary step for a good result, so I make sure not to take shortcuts. Whenever possible, I try to convince my husband to take on the prep work since I know he dislikes painting and it usually works.

Painting runs in the family - my dad used to be a painting contractor in San Francisco so you could say that painting is in my blood.

We were supposed to have painted our hallway after we painted the living room last year, and there's also the pending task of painting the exterior of our house. However, we're considering putting off the exterior painting job until the Fall or perhaps even the following year.

 2. What's in the trunk of your car right now? 

Yesterday, my husband took our car to the car wash and hasn't yet replaced the numerous shopping bags that seem to multiply in the trunk. 

 3. Summer foods vs. fall foods...which do you prefer? 

I prefer summer foods a bit more due to the availability of local produce and fruits.

 Would you rather-watermelon or caramel apple? 


iced coffee or pumpkin spiced latte? 

Neither. I prefer drinking water.

potato salad or sweet potato casserole? 

I've never tried sweet potato casserole, and when I've seen it, I don't eat it. I prefer savory over sweet. so it's potato salad for me!

barbecued ribs or roast turkey?

I don't eat ribs often, but I enjoy them when someone else prepares them. I tolerate turkey.

 ice cream sandwich or apple pie? 

I adore apple pie; nothing compares to it. I do enjoy an ice cream sandwich, but it doesn't hold a candle to apple pie.

corn on the cob or candy corn? 

Corn on the cob. 

 4. August 7th is National Lighthouse Day. 

Have you visited any lighthouses? 

source: Pinterest

Pigeon Point Lighthouse is located on the San Mateo Coast, 
and I used to live just down from it. 

Sorry I didn't feel like digging out photos - 

Having grown up in San Francisco and Pacifica, I was accustomed to the presence of numerous lighthouses due to the proximity to the Pacific Ocean and the bay. As a child, I have vivid memories of lying in bed and cherishing the moments of foggy nights, listening intently to the hauntingly beautiful sound of the fog horns, especially during the summer months.

Even now, that distinct and melancholic sound is something that I really miss.

Source: Pinterest 
In Del Norte County - Crescent City. Ca
I do have several photos of the this - but too lazy to take the time to dig them up. 

Alcatraz Island in San Francisco

I also have a photo of this - Many lighthouses in and around the San Francisco Bay and up and down the coast. They all don't look like the picturesque lighthouses you find elsewhere.  

Do you have a favorite?

Here we go - one from my Blogger photos. I believe this is in Newport Oregon. 

I never thought of a favorite, but it is always nice to see one. I do believe the Oregon Coast is gorgeous. I prefer rugged terrain, whether it be a rugged coastline or rugged mountains and countryside. I like my lighthouses on a rugged coastline but that’s because it’s what I’ve always been used to. 

Oregon coast 

I can't remember which one this was or where...

We went up some steep stairs...I believe this one is in Oregon. 

 Is a lighthouse something you seek out if you're visiting an area known for theirs? 

If we know there is a lighthouse in the area, then yes. My husband enjoys lighthouses since the US Coast Guard used to maintain them.

Source: my husband
Either in Antarctica or the North Pole.  

After spending 10 years in the Navy, he served 10 years in the Coast Guard, but not on lighthouses—more like a Polar Class Ice cutter!  The USGC Polar Sea. He was on both Arctic and Antarctica scientific research vessels. 

He would have much more preferred a lighthouse! Antarctica is cold! 

 They all serve a purpose. 

 5. Light at the end of the tunnel, out like a light, give the green light, a lightbulb moment, in a new light, in the limelight...of the 'light' idioms listed which applies in some way to your life lately?

These days, "Out like a light" perfectly describes my sleeping habits. As soon as I lay my head on the pillow, I'm out like a light! I enter a deep slumber and don't wake up until I feel the gentle brush of my cat's whiskers against my face. Slowly, I open one eye to see Susie gazing at me. I've always been known as a heavy sleeper, and I consider it a true blessing because I'm aware that many people, like my husband, struggle to get a good night's sleep.

If I don't sleep, something is wrong. 

6. Insert your own random thought here

The beginning of Light...

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

Happy Birthday to my firstborn son 
-Michael Jason
8/7/77 - 5/8/2003

Forever in my heart!


  1. Hi Debby, I was at the Yaquina Head lighthouse in Newport Oregon last year in August. I enjoyed your pictures. Sorry for the loss of your son.

  2. You blog was so nice. I enjoyed your photos and your pieces of text. Wow, that boat in the ice. That's cool.

    1. Thank you, Aritha, for dropping by and commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!
      God Bless,

  3. I enjoyed all the photos and stories along with the lighthouses. And sharing your husband in the Arctic... thank you for that, I enjoy learning about people and places. This was great.

    1. I never know where my mind will take me in these Hodgepodge posts!

  4. I was just commenting on Carla at the River's post about the lighthouses...I have never seen one. We are too far inland to see lighthouses and our traveling usually takes us to the mountains. I've seen a good many movies with lighthouses and I would love to climb up through one. such beautiful pictures....I can't imagine being in the Arctic. I know this was an interesting experience for your husband. I enjoy learning about my friends when Hodgepodge day comes up. I may have to join it one day. Hugs to you.

    1. That happened to me about a year ago - I kept reading these Hodgepodges and joined in. You do tend to learn so much about others this way.

  5. I agree, the Oregon coast is spectacular. The Arctic experience must have been something. I know a couple of people who've done cruises to Antarctic, but the motion they say is a lot. It wouldn't be something I could handle. I'm very sorry for the loss of your son.

    1. Apparently there is little motion on those high endurance cutters. I get motion sickness. It doesn’t have to be on the water. Thanks Janice for stopping by.

  6. We have two pickups, so, no trunks for us. Our Honda NC700x & 750x have "frunks". Mine is loaded with all kinds of motorcycling do-dads. When in motion it holds my purse as well. Lighthouses are neat. I like to travel around to looking at the different ones all over our Country. Covered bridges are fun to visit as well. Georgia still has quite a few. Fun post. 💙

    1. I like covered bridges. One covered bridge I was fond of burned down back in 2018. Thanks for visiting!

  7. I enjoyed your answers here today, Debby. This is a great venue where we can learn so much more about our blogging friends. The only lighthouse I've visited is the one here on St. Simon's island in Georgia. I did love your rugged coast photos, too.

    1. You’re right. It’s the questions that spark the memories. I enjoy reading the other hodgepodgers as well.

  8. Blessings and hugs to you on MIchael's birthday!! Praying it was a peace-filled day...with some happy memories along the way! Loved your photos of the lighthouses and, especially, of your husband in the arctic!! Wow. Hugs -

    1. Thank you. My memories of Michael are always happy.
      God bless

  9. Beautiful coastal pics and lighthouses. I believe Here in my home state of Michigan we have more lighthouses than the east coast does. I dont think I could ever be in the coast guard. That cutter with the teeth is awesome though. We have the cutters here in the Winter assisting the freighters in the ice...when we have ice, which we did not last year. Janice

    1. Yes Mari mentioned that and I believe it. Why is that Michigan doesn’t get the credit for being a beautiful state? I’d love to visit all the Great Lake States and all. I used to have a friend who had a Lavendar Farm in Michigan.

  10. For you it is painting for me it is making a bed which is a task and a half, even with help.
    The boot of our car is full of stuff much of it junk
    I have never visited a lighthouse but would love to do so
    There must be a light at the end of a tunnel

    1. I just remembered a cool photo I have of my husband and our dog walking through a tunnel - it’s dark and then there’s the light at the end. Darn, I wish I had thought of that photo!
      Thanks for the visit Jo-Anne

  11. Love seeing the lighthouses.
    I've never had sweet potato salad but I'm sure I'd like it. :)

    1. If I eat a sweet potato it’s plain. I don’t like all the sweetness. I have a very muted sweet tooth!

  12. Hi Debby! I came to check on you and found your new blog! So glad you are up and running again.
    I'm with you on watermelon, summer food and no coffee.
    Loved your photos! The ship at the Antarctic is incredible and your hubby was pretty brave to be there.
    We love Lighthouses. Did you know MI has more lighthouses than any other state, because of the great lakes? So we've explored a lot of them! I do like the rugged coasts you have there.

    1. Yeah WordPress didn’t work out for me!
      I’m just not smart enough to figure it out!
      Yes I had a heard Michigan had more lighthouses than any state from a video on each state. That doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is why people aren’t flicking to visit Michigan. From photos and videos, it’s a very beautiful state. Seems like it’s a well kept secret. When my husband was in the Coast Guard he was hoping to get stationed in Michigan - but instead it was Portland, Oregon and Washington State.
      Thanks for dropping by! 😘

  13. I've only experienced foggy nights and hearing sounds of the sea a handful of times -- but it's a delicious thing for one's senses!
    I'm not fond of yams, so pretty sure I would like the casserole. Team Savory here, too!

    1. San Francisco still has at least three foghorns and to me, it brings me back to those cold foggy summer evenings as a child. It is, delicious to one’s senses!

  14. Great post! Painting can be so satisfying, especially when it’s a family tradition.

    I just posted a new blog post [www.melodyjacob.com](http://www.melodyjacob.com), I invite you to read. Thank you!

  15. Wow, great photos. I wish I could say out like a light, but with company that was kind of difficult around here the last little while. I do love learning more about all my blogging friends.

    God bless.

    1. Yeah company does tend to interfere with your sleep patterns.

  16. What beautiful pictures and I said, "out like a light" as well. Enjoyed your answers.

    1. Thanks! Soon it will be lights out for me! 😴

  17. I am so sorry about the loss of your son. I enjoyed reading your answers, especially the ones about the lighthouses. I also liked your pictures and appreciated your, ¨too lazy to find pictures¨ remark because I know have written that exact thing when I, too, have not bothered to find a picture that I know would be appropriate! From the comments, I learned something about Michigan that I did not know!

    1. I prefer my own photos but at times I’m unable to find them. This was one of those times!
      That’s good you learned something! Thanks for being here.

  18. I recognized the Alcatraz light house, we have visited the island years ago ! My Italian husband wanted to see where Al Capone spent some time ! You are lucky to have such a healthy sleep ! My wake ups are the same, little Rosie leaks my noose to wake me up ! Unfortunately she has no watch in her stomach ! Sometimes it is 5 am !

    1. Oh yes, Al Capone's jail cell is a must-see for some as well as the Birdman of Alcatraz, where he raised his canaries.

  19. I have never been to California, or anywhere on the west side for that matter, so I love seeing all of your pictures. As you remember Michael today I pray God sends you peace and strength and a lot of comfort.

    1. Thank You Dawn.
      Come 2028, it will finally hit the time, when he has been gone longer than he was alive. Surreal.

  20. Photo of hubby cocks fun and I loved the stairs. Great Shot. Have you ever painted with Annie Sloan orginal Chalk Paint? Very, very, very little prep needed on most pieces. Even when painting the front door, I never need primer. I LOVE her original Chalk Paint.

    1. I've heard of it. I might use it for my front door. I have to stick with the same paint I used for the living room. Of course I always have some painting to do around here.


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