Fear Not


Lately, I've felt the Holy Spirit working in me, pulling me out of my introverted tendencies. I'm still an introvert, but now have a sense of purpose. When my BSF leader back in March asked me to "facilitate" a small group as we study the book of Revelations last year, my initial self-doubt and low self-esteem almost got the best of me.

"Thank you, but No - I am not qualified to teach the book of Revelations."
I'm not a teacher." 
"I'm looking to have someone else teach me."
"I'm too shy" 

She returned week after week, sharing the message that God kept impressing upon her to recommend me as a Group Leader.

I'm thinking, "Oh man..."

She reminded me to pray and emphasized that God qualifies those He has called. She also mentioned that I would be facilitating the study rather than teaching it, which was a significant point for me.

"Oh man..."

My husband was no help! He said I would be fantastic and that it was about time. It's been years since I have served in this capacity. 

  • I am rusty. 
  • I'm getting older. 
  • I forget things. 

My friends in the Bay Area refused to entertain my excuses and gave me their support.

Mt Shasta Golf Resort with Mt Shasta in the distance 

One morning, I woke up full of confidence and trust that God would guide me through this—he would equip me. Once I accepted this, doors began to open. (more on that later) It's funny because I'm a private person, I explicitly told my husband not to share with anyone—I kept it to myself, and even the ladies in my Bible study at my new church didn't find out until last week.

As we age, we still have valuable contributions to offer. It's okay to stick with familiarity, but it's also important to have the courage to step out and have faith. Be strong and courageous.

Next week is our first leader's meeting, and I am fully prepared and confident. I choose not to entertain any nervousness or reservations. Even though I'll be leading a group of about 15 women whom I don't know and who will all have their eyes 👀on me, I am 100% out of my comfort zone. I am ready for the challenge. adventure.

To be continued...

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Isaiah 41;10


  1. I can so relate to this. I have gone to BSF and I know how intense those studies are. I wouldn't feel qualified either, so good for you for accepting and for letting God lead you in this.

    1. I can’t remember the last time I stepped out in faith with something so out of my character. Totally a God job.

  2. I am convinced that God gave you confidence and fearlessness!! The power of The Holy Spirit is not to be underestimated.

  3. You can do it and I am thinking will like it a lot. Prayers for you to be brave

  4. Being a retired Bookkeeper/Accountant I can totally relate to that. I worked for years in back rooms or in a quiet corner. So, when I did one of those personality and aptitude tests at First Baptist Church ages ago the results were no surprise. I work best behind the scenes. I am NOT, nor have any plans to be, a teacher or leader but if they want something else done, I'm their girl. I admire anyone that can bust out of their mold and be courageous for Jesus. 💙

    1. I’m much more comfortable being behind the scenes as well.

  5. Good for you, Debby! Stepping out of our comfort zone takes trusting God to guide us, and you certainly have done that.

    1. I've often held myself back because of my perfectionism or low self-esteem, but I realize now that it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them. I need to trust that God is not setting me up for failure. I need to just trust Him.

  6. You and I are so much alike. I would prefer to be behind the scenes too. But so many times the Lord has "gently" pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and the blessings have been wonderful.
    You can do it and will end up being the highlight of your new adventure. Prayers
    Oh yes, you asked if we kept in touch with Javier. We did for quite a while. He would call us when he went into town and had access to communications.
    Unfortunately we stopped accepting their calls when it became asking for money all the time. They were needy and I know they needed it but #1 we didn't have any and that wasn't the way we wanted our friendship to be. International money is difficult at best. So the friendship just got less and less. We still love them but prayer is all we can give them.

    1. It's unfortunate that the relationship had to some to an end that way, but as you mentioned, prayer is the best gift you can offer. I sincerely hope that they are doing well.

  7. Amen! I love that you woke up with all of that confidence. I'm happy for you and you are going to be awesome.

  8. I'm impressed with your confidence! Best wishes in your new role.

    1. Thank You - I'll have an excellent network of Godly women who will equip me.

  9. Remember Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. :). Good for you for taking on this challenge. :)

  10. I am excited for this journey for you... please keep us updated.

  11. Good on you and you will do great! Glad others gave you that little push. Janice

  12. You must be in a good place with confidence making an appearance in your life.

    1. I'm a work in process. I realize I will make mistakes, but I must at least try. I'm not getting any longer.

  13. I get it...sigh...wishing you a beautiful weekend.

    1. Wishing you a beautiful weekend too, Linda. Keep looking up!

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog. I really enjoyed my visit here. I'm an introvert too and leading a Bible study would scare me to pieces! I have led a couple lessons in a small group I used to belong to but as a steady thing, I don't know. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone on this! God will equip you and bless you and you'll be a blessing to those 15 women!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Melanie. I'm thrilled about an amazing new study with new friends, support, and learning.

  15. Good for you! I'm sure you will be so happy you did it!

    1. I am happy and just want to get it started. Good to see you back Jeanette

  16. I am praying for you. I am certain you will do well.

    God bless.


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