The pathology report revealed a pre-cancerous polyp. As a result, I will need to schedule another colonoscopy in 5 years to monitor. I'm now glad I had it done. Granted, it was a teeny weenie polyp, but still...I was really surprised to hear that the polyps were considered pre-cancerous. I specifically inquired whether all polyps are deemed "pre-cancerous," and the doctor clarified that not all polyps fall under that category. She also assured me that it didn't necessarily mean that my polyp would have become cancerous, but rather that it showed enough abnormal cells to warrant further investigation.

The pathology report from the endoscopy indicates that I have diverticulosis and acid reflux, which are causing the inflammation in my stomach.

My diet seems to have everything mostly under control (through my own trial and error), so we discussed that in detail. She offered some recommendations. I won't need any special diet or further tests unless something flares up.

 Thanks for your prayers and interest. 


  1. Great news! And I know you are so relieved! Thanks for letting us know right away.

  2. Ten years ago I had my colonoscopy and they found one polyp. At five years time I had my second colonoscopy and I was all clear. The test are hard to go through but necessary I guess. Hope everyday gets easier and no more tummy troubles. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. And especially for becoming a new follower.

    1. That’s good it was all clear! That’s the goal.

  3. More than a little optimistic! Thank you for sharing, Debby.

    1. My Chrome book thinks I'm Anonymous. Sorry!

    2. I’m just happy to not have this hanging over me.

  4. I'd say that's a good report! And now they know to monitor it too.

  5. Thanks for the update. Stoppping by before I head to bed...you were on my mind. Sounds like a good report and an answer to prayer!!

  6. I am happy to hear you are well and done for 5 years.. a good report . so glad it was

    1. I’m happy as well to put it away for 5 years

  7. I am very thankful that you had this done and thankful that they removed this pre-cancerous polyp. I have had a couple of them removed and I too have to go back every 5 years. I totally sympathize with you as far as the diverticulitis and acid reflux. I have both. I actually had to have a portion of my colon removed due to the damage from diverticulitis. Thank you for updating us on this report. Glad it is over for you and now you can just concentrate on following a god healthy diet.

    1. I’m sorry you had to have a portion of your colon removed. I hope it was helpful.
      I was prepared for whatever and thankfully it seems minor. And yes on the God healthy diet.

  8. I was very surprised when I had one this year. I am supposed to follow up in 3 years. Sorry to hear about the diverticulitis and the acid reflux. I'm glad you have things under control. Take care.

  9. All things considered, Debby, that is great news. Blessings!

  10. *Whew*! Right?! Danger averted. My husband gets those pre-cancerous polyps too. His doc cuts them out. Then he returns every 5 years, I think. One time it was 3 years but he's still good to "go". (giggle - sorry)
    In March 1989 my husband suffered a ruptured colon not knowing that he had cancer and diverticulitis. It was a scary time because I almost lost him. He was hours from dying. So, I'm glad you're, well, your doctor, is keeping an eye on that situation. God bless! 💙

  11. Yeah it is good you had the tests done now, I assumer they removed the polyp. Tim had diverticulosis but I know bugga all about it


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