Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow

I was out and about when my phone rang. It was the Endoscopy clinic calling.

"Fantastic, here are the results!"

"We need to arrange a telephone appointment for the Doctor to speak with you."

"I just want the results."

"The doctor will provide the test results and discuss the findings with you."

I went out to my car to think about it. 

  • If the symptoms were serious, the healthcare providers would inform me. 
  • It could be gastritis or another similar inflammation, and they plan to discuss the details and implications with me.
I found it strange that initially, my mind briefly entertained the negative committee of pessimistic voices in my head...that I have kept at bay for many years - thanks to Al-Anon. 

"You've got cancer and it's fatal"
"You're going to die."

Nope. I didn't waste my beautiful day fretting and worrying over something 100% out of my control. I immediately felt better!  That's what I used to do years ago. I'd have myself in quite the tizzy. I've been there and done that, and I'm not going down that road again!

So tomorrow, we have a phone appointment at 11:15 a.m. 

I always had a feeling that this situation would arise at some point. It all began after my gallbladder ruptured, and I had to undergo emergency surgery. (15 years ago) That's when I started experiencing challenges with eating. Subsequently, I received the diagnosis of diverticulitis and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which further complicated my gut health. I pretty much have given up on the foods that bother me. I don't know what else I can do. 

So that's the story - Tomorrow at 11:15 am. 

Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


  1. I will keep you in prayer. Be anxious for nothing can be hard sometimes and we have to keep remembering our strength comes from the Lord!

  2. I will be praying for a good result!

  3. I'm praying for you tomorrow! Clear results and a good plan of treatment!

  4. I will say a prayer that the test result is a good one. I know I really worried until I got my letter stating my FIT was normal.

    God bless.

  5. Anxiety has wrapped me around the axle many a time over absolutely nothing. Prayers you'll be fine. God's got this. Also, I think so many of these physicians just want to milk the moment by getting more insurance money. I'm convinced of that. 💙

    1. Perhaps but I don’t have private insurance. Medicare and the DOD’s TriCare for life for retired military. It doesn’t pay out as much as private insurance and doctors aren’t allowed to charge the patient the difference. They pretty much take a loss. In a rural community like mine, the doctors are part of the community. Now in the bigger cities, that’s another thing.

  6. I spiral into tizzies while waiting for results and have never been able to stop it. I have to say that all the results I have waited for were good. still I fret until the appt. I have Monday to get results on dementia tests. Yes, freaking out while waiting. Prayers for you tomorrow. I hope the results are good. praying now for them to be good is not going to work, they are what they are. praying for your calm spirit to stay with you.

    1. I’ll pray for you as you await the results of your test. A calm spirit is a must. Worry and stress is not a healthy option.

  7. Keeping you in prayer! It's definitely easy to feel anxious over something like that but just remember God has His hand in it already.

    1. Thanks for your prayers - I feel confident and strong.

  8. Isn’t that peace “that passes understanding” such a wonderful feeling? And what a blessing. I promise to be praying for you as the doctor calls and for whatever they might have to say. So glad you stopped by the blog this morning and thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!!

    1. Yes, it is. God gives us mental sobriety - along with serenity but we always choose not to accept His gift.

  9. Keeping you in prayer... thank you for sharing your lessons with us as well. I am learning from you.

    1. Your prayers mean a lot to me. Thank you for your support - I'm continuously improving and growing.

  10. I've always loved this verse, and it's nice to hear it today. Sending hugs and love to you, Debby, and saying a prayer.


    1. Thanks, Sheri, for the prayers and the hugs. I'll be fine.

  11. Praying for you as you await your results. I tend to be a worrier- I need to pray about worrying less.

    1. I do this because there was a time when I allowed worrying to control my life. It's probably why I now have stomach issues.

  12. Praying for nothing but good news, Debby! My BIL just had his gallbladder removed last week. God bless!


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