This Weeks Wednesday Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? 

In the past, I had a tendency to overreact to many situations. It was a challenging time for me, especially with an alcoholic husband. At the time, I felt justified in my overreactions, but looking back, I realize it only escalated the problems. That's when I decided to attend Al-Anon meetings, and with the support of my faith in Jesus, I learned to step back and avoid jumping to conclusions. Even though I wouldn't say I'm completely cured of my tendency to overreact, I now have powerful tools like the teachings of my faith and the guidance from Al-Anon to help me navigate these challenges.

 Recently, I caught myself overreacting to the news of the wildfires. I spent around 36 hours feeling anxious and physically unwell. I've learned from this experience that while it's important to be concerned and take action, allowing myself to overreact only serves to worsen the situation for me.

2. Your top five snacks? 

I don't usually snack a lot, but when I do, I tend to reach for these refreshing and tasty options:

1. Juicy and sweet seedless red grapes

2. Cool and refreshing watermelon chunks

3. Tangy and citrusy orange slices

4. Crunchy celery sticks with creamy peanut butter

5. Crisp crispbread topped with cream cheese and apricot jam.

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. 

Pears soap always brings back memories of when my babies were born. The hospital used Pear Soap to clean them, and I'll never forget the comforting scent. 

Whenever I smell pinto beans and cornbread, I think of my beloved Grandma. She used to make the most delicious pinto beans and cornbread, and the aroma would fill the whole house.

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read? 

After reading the book of Job in the Bible along with the above commentary, I gained a deeper understanding of God's sovereignty and feel encouraged to endure suffering and trials in my own life.

Currently, I am reading "Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust  

Revealing Revelations" by Amir Tsarfati as I prepare for a Revelations Bible study. I usually read several books at once because there are so many books out there and so little time to read them all. 

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year? 

We require new tires for our van either by the year's end or at the start of the coming year. Although we don't use the van frequently, we'd like to have the new tires before the rainy season.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

At this moment, the only thing on my mind is the impending call from the Gastroenterologist at 11:15 am today. I am eagerly awaiting the results of my colonoscopy and endoscopy, which were sent to her by the Endoscopy clinic. Despite feeling positive about it all,  patience has never been my strongest virtue. I don't like to wait. 

Ah, the joys of being in my Seventies!

The results are in


  1. I'm in a bible study this year on Revelation. I'm looking forward to it. We won't begin until October as there were so many scheduling conflicts and we didn't want too many people to be hit and miss right from the start. I'm going to try the cream cheese/apricot jam snack. Sounds good!

    1. Revelations is an excellent Bible study for these times!
      Use the Wasa crisp bread for the cream cheese and apricot jam. It’s delicious

  2. I'm glad you attended Al-Anon. Yes, overreacting does make it worse but it can be hard not to overreact. Those sound like great snacks and I just had celery and PB yesterday. Those are lovely memories. I need to do more reading. Good for you on reading the Bible. Hope you can get your new tires soon. That is me in that random photo. I pray your results are perfect. Take Care.

    1. It’s hard but it can be done. I’ve improved so much!

  3. We just bought new tires for our 2010 Nissan Frontier. I almost fainted looking at prices. *lol* At least now 'Ol Red (as I call it) drives like a new truck now. Found out the belts were separating on the old tires. I'm glad we went ahead and took care of this before the prices go even higher.
    Sorry you're still having to wait on the test results. Hopefully it'll all be over soon and the results are all negative. 💙

    1. Prices on everything is high. I’ll send out another post for today. Don’t want to keep you all being concerned

  4. I am praying for good results. The waiting is so nerve wracking!!

  5. I don't recall ever hearing about Pear's soap but want to look for it, just because! I look forward to hearing about your upcoming Revelations Bible study. That was one of our group's candidates but was voted down. (Can't say I'm optimistic about Anne Graham Lotz' Daniel Prayer, but will wait and see.)
    Crossing my fingers and saying a prayer for your results. Waiting is the WORST!

    1. For myself I don’t care for topical Bible studies. I used to do them. I now prefer the expository studies. I get so much more out of them.
      As long as we’re in the Word that’s what matters. Just a matter of preference.

      The older I get the more the waiting bugs me!

  6. Such a Blessing for you to be able to attend Al- Anon...My understanding is that their program is a much needed program for family members. After many years of anxiety, I finally realized that the stress I was allowing was not good for my body. Your list of snacks is healthy and so refreshing...I took a picture so I can add this list to my snack list. Please let us know when you get your test results. I am not a patient person when it comes to waiting on calls from doctors. I feel as if they don't value my time or my concerns. Praying all is good.

    1. Yes it is a wonderful program.
      I will post an update soon so you don’t have to wait.

  7. Hi Debby, I enjoyed your snack list and now I want to get some crackers and cream cheese. I want to go get some dates to add to the top. I have been studying about thew trees of Israel as I prepare for my next Bible study. I think I will take the crackers, cream cheese and dates to the next even. The Revelation study sounds interesting!

    1. I use Wasa crispbread.
      It sounds like a very good snack to bring for your Bible study.

  8. Learning how to not overreact to situations is wonderful, Debby. We all too often can fall into that trap, only making things worse for ourselves and the people around us. Patience is a virtue for a reason.

    1. It is a trap that I’ve fallen into far too many times in my younger years.
      “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
      With that said, why are we so impatient?

  9. Isn't it funny how smells can bring us right back to a particular time or place?
    Praying you get good reports!

    1. It’s good we can smell. I read once where they’re using smell therapy to regain memories in people with dementia.

  10. All of your snacks sound so good and healthy too! I am so thankful you have your faith to lean on and Al-Anon is such a great organization. I am sorry you have had to walk that hard road. It sounds like you have had so much growth through this.

  11. Al-Anon has helped many people! I love how you chose descriptive words to make your snacks sound wonderful.

    1. I just love Alanon and of it’s the people there that really make the program.

  12. I think new tires will be on our list of upcoming purchases as well.

  13. Such an important insight about how overreacting is unproductive. Enjoyed reading your answers today. Have a great week!

  14. Well being in my seventies I certainly can relate to #6! I love the sound of your snacks and how you described them. Job certainly has a lot to teach us about God and the fact that we aren't God. I have to stop trying to set up my own mini kingdoms! I'm glad you have good resources to help with the problems of alcoholism. Ahh the sweet smell of a newborn baby. That is a great memory! Thank you so much for your visit to my hodgepodge and for your comment. I appreciate it. Hope the end of your week goes smoothly and peacefully.

  15. Enjoyed reading your answers and I hope your test results are ok!


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