This and That on a Thursday


Fires are so destructive but they make for some beautiful photos. 

We've been having a lot of smoke - making the air  unhealthy. 

I'm excited to see signs that Fall is finally upon us. This morning, the air felt crisp and fresh, hinting at the changing season. Light rain drizzled early in the morning on Wednesday, followed by drizzly conditions around 8 a.m. Then it was gone. 

Not turning on the heat yet - just open the windows and let the whole house air out. I'm hoping we can make it to Thanksgiving till the heat gets turned on. 

The Shoe fire is now at 4, 131 acres 
and is 8% contained. 

Today we have wind, which is never good around an active wildfire. 

Source: Mike/Friends of Redding Eagles

They're back! 

The captivating Redding eagles made their anticipated return the other day, marking the seasonal ritual that unfolds with precision every October. As they soar gracefully through the autumn air, they are back in their beloved territory. Nestled high in the trees, the pair is already busy preparing for their new chapter. Together, they will meticulously construct their nest, weaving sturdy branches and soft materials to create a cozy haven. By February, they’ll be ready for the egg laying, continuing the cycle of life, we are so fortunate to view. 

Last week, the team worked diligently to set up the webcams. Given that the nesting tree is dead, the crew placed some soft nesting material in a nearby tree, hoping to entice the birds to adopt it as their new home. However, despite their efforts, Liberty and Guardian chose to stick with the familiar, weathered branches of their beloved dead tree, proving how much they value their established territory.

The reason behind moving their nest to another tree  stemmed from the heartbreaking results of the earlier loss of their two eaglets this summer.  Both eaglets had tragically succumbed to dehydration, a direct consequence of the sweltering temperatures and the lack of shade in their original habitat. The harsh sun bore down relentlessly, leaving the young birds vulnerable and exposed, ultimately leading to their death. 

All we can truly hope for is that they come to realize the precariousness of the tree, especially in the breezes and high winds, and decide to seek refuge elsewhere, away from its unstable branches. Preferably in the tree near the Dead Tree. 

The Pumpkin Patch Poke Cake

At the recent church potluck, a gal brought a delightful cake that truly caught my attention. Although I'm not usually a fan of sweets, this cake was a pleasant surprise. It had a light, moist texture and was perfectly balanced—not icky sweet. Just right.  Today, during Bible Study, she kindly texted me the recipe. She discovered it in an old magazine, and I can't wait to try making it myself!

The cake is decorated in such a whimsical way; highlighted by clusters of charming candy pumpkins that, while I’d never eat them, I like to use them for decoration. I’m considering this for our Thanksgiving dessert.

It looks real easy! 

Oh and she substituted the the cocoa teddy grahams for the Oreo-type cookies. 

NOTE on my Recipe: 

I prepared the dish on Monday night, but I found that I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the version I made for Sunday’s potluck. It definitely needs a bit more tweaking to elevate the flavors. My husband really liked it, but he's like Mikey - he eats anything!  

I can’t quite recall if I used one or two packets of Taco seasoning, which may have contributed to the flavor inconsistency. Additionally, I decided to add a can of tomato sauce, but in hindsight, that was definitely too much—it overwhelmed the other ingredients. 

I think I’ll name the dish after the southwest vegetables I used and call it a Southwest Casserole. I initially planned to take out the noodles and add a cornbread topping, reminiscent of the old tamale pie recipes from the 1960s, which I thought would give it a nice twist. I’m looking forward to refining it and hopefully achieving a better balance next time!

So, I'm not entirely done yet. If you choose to go ahead, and make it -  BUYER BEWARE.  

The masterpiece is not finished yet. 

The Holidays are all mine, this year. 

Last night, my daughter-in-law reached out with an update on her holiday schedule from the hospital. While she has the day off on Thanksgiving, she'll be working on Christmas Eve this year. Understanding her situation, I'll take on the responsibility for both celebrations. She's been dealing with a painful shoulder, which is difficult when you're an RN working in a hospital, and might need rotator cuff surgery soon. Plus, she's been incredibly generous, taking charge of the Thanksgiving dinners for the past two years.

Given the circumstances, we'll hold our Christmas celebration on the evening of December 25th, as the rest of the family will be working throughout the day. As for Foodie, he has a longstanding tradition of working during the holidays; he believes that those with children should have the time off, while he enjoys the extra overtime pay as a nice bonus. Navy, works at Cal Vet and finds fulfillment in spending the holidays with veterans. 

It’s all about making the best of our time together, no matter the challenges.

The relentless wind has swept through the area, carrying away all the smoke that once lingered in the air. Meanwhile, the fire rages on, hidden deep within the rugged canyons, where the challenging terrain makes it difficult for crews to combat the flames effectively.

We don't get too many clouds here during the summer months. So its nice to see them. 

In the distance you can almost see Lake Shasta. 

This fire camera is showing some fire and smoke. 

At 8% containment it will be some time before this fire is finally brought under control. The efforts to extinguish this fire will likely stretch into the cooler months.

It's official. My husband and I are members of the Friends of Israel, TIKVAH Team, which has 80 members worldwide. After the nine-week training, we did this past summer, they do a background check. It would be so easy for some white supremacists to infiltrate and do harm to them. It also assures the individual synagogues that we have been vetted. 

We'll get a t-shirt for fun. And we get some perks - like we get to order Hanukkah baskets, up to four each to give to the local synagogue, and to our Jewish friends. I plan to give one to Margie, who now lives in a care facility. She will love it. We plan on giving one to our new Pastor, who has been supportive of our ministry. 

Tomorrow evening we have been invited to attend the Sukkot at the synagogue and my husband wants to bake a round raisin challah bread to share. 

Next summer, my husband will be going to an "Encounter" with FOI. He will fly into Philadelphia, where the FOI headquarters is and here's some of what is on the agenda:  

Take a Hasidic Jewish tour of Brooklyn

➝ Visit the famous Katz's Deli

➝ See an Orthodox Sabbath service

➝ Visit a Holocaust Museum

➝ Tour The Friends of Israel Headquarters

➝ Make Jewish friends

➝ Assist in a Jewish community service project

Enjoy an authentic experience that opens your eyes to the Jewish community in New York City, Philadelphia and New Jersey, engage with Jewish people, honor their past, and learn more about the hope that awaits them.

I'll go the year after that. (2026) We both cannot both leave our dog. She's 11 years old, and that cyst on her neck is huge. While she doesn't appear to be in any pain,  we've noticed that she is starting to feel her age. I won't leave her. 

We don't have a huge Jewish community here in this part of rural northern California.  So this trip would be awesome. There are over one million in New York City within the five boroughs. 

Rat Patrol

We called out the big guns—the professionals. They placed traps all around the yard and will do all the checking for us. Meanwhile, my husband dug out the pampas grass and some bushes that I had never cared for. 

And last but not least - I voted on Monday. First time I have ever voted early. I checked the website, and my vote has already been counted. 

Psalm 22:28

For the kingdom is the Lord’s
And He rules over the nations.

I think I am done. 




  1. This was quite a nice long interesting post! Seeing those fire spots in the mountains is beautiful, but heart wrenching. I know fire serves a purpose, but it is also devastating for wildlife and the atmosphere /air you breathe, etc. Praying the fire season will soon die down. Praying for the safety of those who much work in it. Oh, I love seeing the eagles, and I do hope they will decide to make their nest in a safer/healthier tree. Isn't it amazing that these birds come back to the same place at the same time year after year? Much like our Canada Geese, four of whom arrived on Still Waters Pond this morning! I don't know if they will stay or just hang out a while, and if any of these will decide to build a nest in the spring out there on the island as in times past. Time will tell, but God has placed these instincts and rituals in their minds, and they do what they are meant to do year after year. So exciting to be able to watch! That pumpkin cake looks like fun! I thought it was going to taste like pumpkin until I read the recipe! But still it is fun for the fall season! And I love that you and your hubby are so involved with the local Jewish community. That is so interesting and meaningful! Thank you for doing what you do, and also for sharing information with us. We pray for Israel and her people every day. Thank you for sharing your heart with us about these things. Have a lovely rest of your week.

    1. I only like my pumpkin flavors in pie form or maybe in a pumpkin bread so the cake appealed to me once she said it had orange jello. It’s an old school recipe but was so good. It was quite the hit with the teenagers.

  2. Give it to Mikey! He'll eat anything! How long ago was that commercial?!

    1. Well I’d guess -80’s. I had a son named Michael and his friends started calling him Mikey!

  3. There's a whole lot going on at your house!


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