A Day of Adventure

Here's one of the photos my son texted me - Grey Rocks Lake.

The lake is not the type you can simply drive to; it's nestled in the mountains, requiring a hike to reach its tranquil shores. Yet, for those willing to venture forth, solitude awaits. For two nights, he found himself the solitary inhabitant of this serene retreat. Rather than embarking on extensive hikes, he chose to spend his time relaxing. His days were filled with leisurely naps and reading amidst the natural splendor of the area.

A single hiker arrived and pitched his tent just 35 feet away from his camp. This surprised him - as vast as the lake was, the hiker chose to camp so near. It bothered him, especially since he could even catch the scent of the other camper. Adding to that, a lively bunch of chipmunks devoured all of his trail mix!

Around 7,200 feet in elevation. 

The landscape is striking, with its rough and uneven terrain. In the upper right corner, the distant figure of Black Butte is visible. I shared a closer photo of it with you the other day. Moving further to the right of Black Butte, would be Mount Shasta but the mountain was shielding it. 

Following my leadership training session at BSF, I grabbed a quick lunch - half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - before setting off. The presence of numerous large trucks on the road, posed a challenge as they often exceed the speed limit, of 65 - and around curves where the speed drops to as low as 35.  This made navigating between them a bit nerve-wracking. Consequently, the trip took us 90 minutes to complete.


As I was driving off I-5, far from the nearest restroom, I suddenly felt the urgent need to pee which rarely happens to me. Despite always making sure to use the bathroom before leaving the house, the need became more intense the deeper we ventured into the woods. I had no choice but to do something I hadn't done in years. Find a secluded spot, to squat – a task that's not easy anymore. 

That made for a good laugh for my husband and I. 

Then we drove around the corner and there was my son, waiting on us. He looked well rested.  As we drove back home, we enjoyed a lively conversation about Rosicrucianism, the history of the Roman Empire, and the Knights Templar.  My son, does love to talk! 

We had just passed a stretch of the Interstate, and approximately 15 minutes later, a tragic accident occurred involving an 85-year-old man. It was a rollover crash, and unfortunately, he did not survive. Authorities suspect that it may have been due to a medical emergency he experienced. The accident caused a significant traffic backup that lasted for hours as there were other vehicles involved but miraculously no injuries'.  It's unusual to see such heavy traffic around here except during winter when they stop vehicles going up to the mountains to check for tire chains.

 Foodie kindly paid for our gas and treated us to dinner at In-N-Out. I ordered a double-meat burger with no cheese and grilled onions, along with a chocolate shake, and no fries. After dropping him off, I was so exhausted that I immediately crashed. The day was a wonderful mix of family time and unexpected adventure - from enjoying the scenery to having an uncomfortable experience of squatting in the woods, which I hope to never again repeat!

Until Next time,



  1. I rarely use the word envious, but goodness, those mountains and all the peace and serenity that comes with them sure makes me long to live near places such as this. Sounds like foodie had a very relaxing trip...until the neighbor moved in. This would make me nervous and most likely I would not have slept at all. Maybe that person was scared!! 😳. I'm glad he had a safe adventure. And...Grey lakes is really a pretty lake. Sure sorry for the elderly man and for his family. I have heard of In and Out burgers, but have never eaten at one. Hope you get some rest

    1. That’s what I thought too. Maybe he felt a little more secure camping near a fellow backpacker.

  2. Such a beautiful, restful spot Foodie was in. I agree with him - why in the world did that other camper settle in so close to him? Glad he had an enjoyable time.
    You made me laugh with your peeing issue. I had that problem a few years ago when driving to CO. The roads were secluded and no bathrooms anywhere, so I did what you did and you're right - it's not easy!


  3. I am unable to squat anymore! But glad it all worked out for you. Wish we had an In-N-Out nearby. Your son's photo is so gorgeous!!!

  4. Beautiful place to camp, but yes I would have been on edge with a camper way out there and so close. Had to laugh at the squat in the woods. It happens lol. I often prepare for that moment on longer hikes with no restrooms in the area.

    1. I let down my guard in that way since we’re fairly close. I’ll make sure not to do that again.

  5. Yes I too wonder why that lone camper came so close to Foodie. That lake was so serene. The pictures all gorgeous. So sad to hear about the accident and someone losing their life. I have had to do my business a few times in my life outside and there is no shame...but am sure it was a good laugh for you and your husband. Janice

    1. I’m always nervous that a snake will bite me or an animal will startle me while in that position.

  6. Part of the reason I go to the gym is so that I can squat! Although I can't remember the last time I had to do it in Nature, the process also comes in handy when faced with a dirty toilet.

    1. I can squat but squatting while holding my shorts from being peed on, and you have to position yourself in a way where you don’t pee on your shoes! lol. I did use a sturdy stick to hold onto, for proper positioning! 🤭

  7. You live in such a lovely area, the scenery and places to get away from everything seem to be boundless. I don't know if I could actually "squat" any longer. I hope never to have to test that out.

    God bless.

    1. It really is boundless- so many places to explore up here in the far northern part of California. And not a lot of people which makes it nice.!
      Let’s just say it takes technique not to pee on your shoes!

  8. I'm so happy to know that your son was safe after his trip; maybe it's my age speaking, but I would never go somewhere so isolated on my own. The scenery is breathtaking, and I'm grateful you could share these photos with us. Blessings, Debby!

    1. Honestly you’re safer there than in populated areas but I wouldn’t want to go alone.

  9. Very sorry to read about the man. The view is stunning and I love that you and your hubby had a good laugh at the squat and pee. Tim and I laugh a lot as well. It's the best. Well, it'sabout time to wrap up lunch break and get back on the floor. Happy Weekend. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. I know, so sad. They’re concluding that he had a massive heart attack. Just terrible.


  10. The description of your son's experience at Grey Rocks Lake paints a vivid picture of a serene, isolated retreat marred only by an unexpected nearby camper and mischievous chipmunks. It’s remarkable how he embraced the solitude and natural beauty of the place, even with some minor inconveniences. The landscape, with its rugged terrain and views of Black Butte, sounds breathtaking.

    Your drive and the story of the impromptu bathroom break add a humorous yet relatable touch to the adventure. It’s great that you could share such a lively conversation with your son on your way back, especially given the heavy traffic and tragic accident you encountered. It sounds like the trip had its ups and downs but ended on a thoughtful note.

    I’m excited to share my latest blog post with you! I’d love for you to give it a read and share your thoughts. Thank you: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/08/protected-by-grace-testimony-of-trust-and-gratitude.html

    1. Will do Melody and thanks for your thoughtful comment. Appreciate it.

  11. My favorite word that I would use would be I feel a Tad jealous But envious would work well. All that beauty and that would upset me too if someone set up close to me because I would be afraid that they were up to Mischief because it would make no sense to come up there and Camp close to someone when you're trying to get away from it all. I'm glad everyone was safe. And I would love to try the in and out we've got one coming here sometime next year

    1. Maybe he was afraid. But still - how did he know my son wasn’t a serial killer? 🤦🏼‍♀️

  12. I'm glad he had a nice time, however that is too bad someone set up so close to him. I always go before we leave but I understand what you were feeling and why you had to stop to pee on the side of the road. Sorry to hear about that accident. It is always a pleasure to enjoy In-N-Out. Have a nice weekend.

    1. I drank a lot of water. But even with going before hand I couldn’t make it. That’s old age for you.

  13. Hi Debby, we camped at a camp ground that had the sites WAY TO CLOSE!! I could hear the man next door to us snoring in the night.
    Have a blessed weekend.

    1. I wouldn’t like that. We try not to pay for campgrounds for that reason. Usually camp on BLM lands. (Bureau of Land Management) or forest land so we can camp for free.

  14. It is annoying when people make camp so close to strangers, one thing for someone you know to do it but other people should back the hell up we don't want to hear them or smell them

    1. 😆 You articulated your sentiment very well and exactly how my son felt. He said he drew the line when he could smell him. Fortunately the guy left early in the morning.

  15. Replies
    1. Yes. It amazes me with all the fires we’ve had throughout the decades that California still has untouched forests.

  16. I wonder if that guy camped so close cause he was doing the buddy system maybe? It can become secluded out there in the woods, and sometimes two thinkers are better than one. I'm so sorry to hear about the old man driving, and got into a car accident and didn't make it. I'm glad your son had days of leisure, rest, and nature. And IN-N-OUT Burger, Yummy. Definitely a favorite, but I always get the Cheeseburger, animal style, fries, and a coke. ; ) Your son took some very nice photos, Debby.


    1. They never talked. The guy fished for a time then left in the early morning before my son got up.
      I can’t do cheese anymore on my burgers yet I can eat pizza with cheese or lasagna. Crazy digestion tract I have.

  17. I haven't had to stop and pee in the woods in a while but needed to on a trip to Lake Tahoe one time. By the time I really needed to go I knew that the next bathroom was farther than I would make it. I parked on the side of the road and headed down the hill a bit. I was so afraid a Highway Patrol would cruise by before i was done.

    1. That was my thought - I could just see myself getting arrested for indecent exposure!


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