The Buzz of the First Day

As I arrived at the parking lot at 8 a.m., I could sense an electrifying energy in the air. Children and babies in tow were on their way to the children's wing, and ladies were greeting one another.  I crossed the threshold of the church, and was greeted by a buzz of excitement that was a bit overwhelming to "laid-back" me.  I like calm...Despite not being accustomed to such fervor, I found myself being swept up in the excitable atmosphere.

I do hope these younger gals in the Admin calm down - I may have a heart attack!

I get it—that's a lot of women and children that have to be managed in an orderly way and within a time frame to keep everyone safe and still kickstart our new year. There are things we have to go over, such as fire exits and medical and safety precautions as prescribed by the State of California—registering children, and yada yada yada. 

I haven't heard the exact number of children who have registered, but we do have 350 women signed up for this year's session. Due to the high number of attendees, four groups had to relocate to another church nearby to accommodate the children's classes. It was very generous of the other church to make space for us.

I think we may have outgrown our facilities. 

I started the morning with a fellowship session, followed by prayer and training sessions for all the different types of leaders. The lecture session was a much-needed sanctuary for me to gather my thoughts before meeting my group of ladies. The morning flew by, and before I knew it, it was all done!

My first session with my group went okay, and the feedback was better than I deserved.  I'm hoping that we will be able to establish a connection that will lead to meaningful discussions as we build relationships throughout this year.  It was nice to already know three of the women in my group.

As I settled into the driver's seat of my car and began my short 6-minute journey home, I glanced up at the sky and noticed the clouds in the sky.  This sight brought a smile to my face, especially after our recent discussion of Rev 1; 7-8

 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “
will mourn because of him.” 
So shall it be! Amen. 

 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”



  1. I'm so glad it you've completed your first session and it went well. I find it so encouraging that you have so many women coming! Sometimes when we listen to the news, it seems there are so few Christians out there. This is wonderful!

    1. Don't believe what you hear on the news - even Fox. California has many Christians. Some of the best teachers have come out of California: Calvary Churches, John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Paul Washer, Greg Laurie, David Jeremiah, Rick Warren. Granted in the metro areas, there is a spiritual darkness, but up here in Shasta County, we love Jesus and are not afraid to show it.

  2. We began our Women's Bible Study this morning. I am a group facilitator this year - it was certainly a blessed morning in every way. As mari said...we get the same here in Oregon - quite liberal and un-churched - but God has a plan!

  3. Wow, you didn't get nervous being a speaker in front of so many? That must mean you were so well prepared. Your church attendance must be huge!

    1. Heavens, no - I wasn’t the speaker of 350 women. I would have fainted - no I had a group of twelve women and that was just right for me!

  4. Congratulations and thank you for what you do to spread the Word of God. May He bless you always.

  5. Glad your first session was a success. Looked like a packed crowd. Seeing the clouds was surely a sign from above. Unfortunately I do see a decline in our churches. The younger generation no longer goes to church. Churches of all denominations here in Michigan are closing. We have three that closed just in our town. Catholic Pastors even have to share churches around here because there is a decline in them as well. Three churches to one pastor. Sad if you ask me. We all need God in our life. Janice

    1. The pandemic was the death knell for many churches. It is sad that Churches are in decline.
      In my area, we have a huge homeschooling Christian network and that, Lord willing is our future. These young parents and moms are training up their children! There’s always a remnant.

  6. I am thrilled for you that the first group went smoothly, and I understand the need for calm. I have never liked large crowds, even though I am an extrovert. that is lot of women and I am thinking a lot of kids too. glad the other church let you borrow rooms from them

    1. I can think and process much better in a calm quiet atmosphere.

  7. Debby...I am so thankful that your first session was good. This is wonderful seeing the crowd of women there, to learn about the word of God. How great this is. I understand your excitement when entering the church to witness the hunger from these ladies to learn and share about God. I know you have prepared for this event very well and I know the blessings will be overflowing. I appreciate you for sharing with us the experiences of the day. big hugs to you Debby

    1. Sometimes we can over prepare. I need to just relax and trust the Holy Spirit as He leads.

  8. Such excitement! I truly could feel the electricity in your words here today, Debby. God's blessings!

    1. lol - It took me until Thursday to calm down. Adrenaline rush on steroids!

  9. I'm so glad it went well for you. Way to go! I am overwhelmed with all the women and children. How wonderful that is. God Bless all of you.

    1. It is overwhelming to see so many hungry for the word of God.

  10. That sounds like that's something you'll really enjoy. I'm glad y'all have a place to call a Church Home. That's a lot of people in one place (for me) but at least they're all like-minded and that makes it easier. Our Church is teeny tiny. Many have fallen away. No biggy. We'll keep soldiering on with sharing the Gospel and serving the community as long as we can. 💙

    1. It's not about size; it's about willing hearts. This is just the church hosting these Bible studies. My new church has about 150 people who show up on Sundays, half children! We have tons of children coming up through the ranks!

  11. Good to read that day one went well I hope the rest of the day go just as well

    1. It will continue to improve and become even more comfortable as we all become more acquainted with each other.

  12. That sounds so wonderful! I am so happy for you to be doing this. And the clouds at the end of the session were a perfect ending to a perfect beginning! So wonderful! Praise God!

    1. Seeing those billowing clouds was just so awesome - made me smile!

  13. So glad to hear your first session went well, Debby. I hope you continue to have good days and learn from all of the teachings. Looks like a large crowd who are thirsty for knowledge. Is that you at the podium?


    1. Oh no that’s not me. That is the teaching leader who does the lectures. I have a small group of about 12 women and that is enough!


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