Details - Too Many Details

This morning, I was surprised that my husband had cut a flower off a flowering tree and placed it in a decanter filled with green food coloring. When I asked him about it, he chuckled and said it took me a full day to notice his little creation.

Dusty Miller 


I don't enjoy being constantly preoccupied with tasks and obligations.
In my younger years, it seemed as if I was continually bustling from one place to another. But now, I've made a conscious decision to distance myself from that busyness.

Now I know why...

My huge, overgrown Aloe Vera Plant - 

I struggle with handling a busy schedule. It tends to overwhelm and stress me out.

I thought I had overcome that. 

Yesterday, I attended the BSF leadership seminar, which lasted four and a half hours in the morning. I'm not used to being in one place for a long time. The seminar mostly focused on organizational aspects related to the study. These included collecting money for workbooks, contacting the twelve ladies in my group, creating name tags, planning an icebreaker for the first meeting, determining how our group would operate, and assigning prayer partners. It was a lot to take in and manage. And I am sure I forgot to name a few more details. I wasn't expecting this kind of stuff when I agreed to be a group leader. 

Last year, my group leader gave me the name tag  "Debbie" instead of "Debby." I didn't want to make a fuss, so I just went along with it. As the Group Leader this year, I wanted my name spelled correctly on my ceramic badge. However, when I got there, it was spelled as "Debbie," which was likely due to my failure to address the issue the previous year.  It felt a bit superficial, to be so particular, so I decided to just let it go. However, the Head Gal recognized the mistake and offered to fix it for me. I ended up having to drop off the old badge at her house so she could make a new one for me. 

Dealing with these little details isn't really my thing, and I could have easily continued being called Debbie for another year.

Mexican Fan Palm

I was assigned to a "mentor" named Kim.  Turns out she is an introvert too and we both share a lot of things we could do without. Like the busyness and little details. So that worked out great - she knows I won't be calling her for every little thing and vice versa. I believe we'll both get along just fine. 

Last year was her first time, and she shared things that she did wrong. It took her until the third week to feel comfortable. The actual study wasn't an issue, and I believe once I get these little details out of the way, I'll be fine. 

Pink Oleander 

Enough about all that. 

Except for the little busy, time-wasting details, 

I am excited to get started. 

Red Rose

Our regular Bible teacher is on vacation, so we have each been spending a week at my church's Bible study to lead. It was my turn yesterday. I enjoyed it. 

Once again, Foodie and I spent about an hour and a half this morning. He had to get his tire fixed at the bike/outdoor shop, and he knows I enjoy this place. They have some really cute clothes. It's the only place in town where the metal detector goes off when I walk through it due to my knee. It must be set for extra sensitivity. 

I'm feeling almost ecstatic because we don't have any plans for this weekend. Although, I have a feeling my husband will want to do something. He's always on the go and can't seem to relax. I've already informed him that I have these small tasks I need to take care of, and I want them completed by Tuesday or at the latest Wednesday.

I just realized I didn't post my Hodgepodge on the Linky List. 
Oh well. 

That's it for today.

Take Care and if you're going to be out and about on this busy weekend, stay safe and watch out for the other guy! 

Debbie Debby



  1. I am making an effort to get rid of some of the busyness in my day to day life. It isn't easy.

    1. It isn’t easy to find the age appropriate balance. What I could handle at 40 - I can’t handle at 70. Nor would I want to, if it’s going to rattle my cage!

  2. Hi Debby! I have to admit I sometimes can't keep track of the Debbie's and Debby's in my life. I know I've probably used the wrong one for each one at some time or another, and I do hope they have forgiven me. I have found that my name of Pam often gets mistaken for "Pat", and I've never been too sure why, but that's what people hear instead of Pam. But that's a little different than the spelling, it's the hearing, so it's easier for me to correct them. Anyway, I'm glad your name tag will be corrected and that should help matters a lot. I have to admit that I have apparently not been getting the notices for your new blog posts. I thought I had gone through all of the steps to add your new address to my list of blogs. Just now when I came on here I was asked to follow you by email, so maybe that is what was missing, so I signed up for that. Hopefully that will fix the problem. I don't like missing your posts! So I will be watching to see and if I don't see them coming, I will have to check again. I also checked in my spam folder, but nothing is there. Anyway, I feel like I'm way behind in reading your posts, so I will try to get caught up as I can. I hope you are doing well. The Bible Study Fellowship sounds like it will be a big deal, but I know it will be rewarding for you and for your group. Just relax and remember WHY you are there, and WHO it is really all about. God will take care of the rest. Have a lovely weekend my friend. We have no real plans beyond the normal stuff. Church on Sunday, nothing on Monday that I am aware of at this time.

    1. Hopefully getting my posts by email will help.
      Yeah I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it even though it’s always been a pet peeve of mine. I used to always introduce myself as Debby with a Y and some friends said that worked for them. Only when they would see me, they’d refer to me as “Debby-with-a-y” 😆
      When we get started I think I will enjoy it plus my husband will be doing the BSF study for men on Monday evenings so we can work on Revelations together. ( or I can cheat off him.) just kidding.
      Nice to hear from you!

  3. Yes, those little details can be important and once you get those done, and in a routine I think you'll do well. Although, having done BSF myself, I know it's an in depth study. Revelations will be so interesting and it's great your husband is doing it too.

    1. I agree. Once I get into a routine I’ll feel more comfortable.

  4. Are all these flowers yours? They are amazing! So glad to hear you are coming along so well with the study. Your husband is a good decorator!

    1. Yes all those flowers are mine, taken this morning.

  5. I think it is wonderful that you addressed the spelling of your name to make it correct, Debby. That's important. I know what you mean about spending wayyyyyy too much time with busyness and organization. I want to get the most possible out of each day of life. I'd like more of a balance....part busyness and part fun and exploration! I definitely do appreciate each day of life, that's for sure. Thanks for your visits to Writing Straight from the Heart, Debby. I love that you stop by and comment, too. Good luck with the church event. You will do great!

  6. I really love those flower photos. Life gets busier every day here too. I need a rest from having a rest.

    God bless.

  7. Many of the things you write a bout are so ME. this entire post is ME.. I will be 80 in 4 days and before I turned 70, I found I could handle details pretty good, detail handling now makes me want to cry and sometimes when things get out of hand here at home and there is so much to do, like homeowner and car insurance coming due at the same time as the other bills. anything like that will make me cry. the only thing you did that I would not do, is let the name spelling go last year . My pet peeve is my name. I introduce myself to strangers as Sandra, 9 out of 10 will say when leaving, it was nice meeting you Sandy. when I was group leader of our TOPS meetings, I would say Sandra, not Sandy. after a year of that, all the members knew to say to new comers, this is our Leader, her name is Sandra NOT Sandy... I even started saying to some people, Sandra not Sandy. it seems that each year older I get I change more an mor

    1. I don't know why people do that. You tell them it's Sandra, and then they call you Sandy. That would really annoy me, too.

  8. Another great post!! Always making me smile. Have a great weekend my friend.

    1. I like to make you smile, Linda. Have an awesome weekend.

  9. I get that. Busyness has been stressing me also. Could be what's going on around us with the grinding inflation, evil, etc.? I dunno. I've been feeling overwhelmed. That's one reason I've stopped writing / blogging for a bit. I don't want anymore obligations at the moment. Plus a few other reasons.
    Lovely photos. Your camera work is always superb. 💙

    1. I have been caught up in the whirlwind of busyness, but soon I'll be able to tie up all those loose ends that have been lingering and causing me stress.

  10. You won't believe how I can empathize with your first paragraph (Truth). I'm not inclined to lead any of our Bible study groups, but have found the busy-ness of increased medical appointments, etc. sometimes overwhelming.
    Names? I get that! My father -- baptized Adolf -- used to get so cross when people wrote 'Adolph.' Another friend took pains early in our friendship to remind me, "My name is Deborah -- with an 'h'." Speak up, my friend!

    PS - I love the thought of putting food coloring in the vase!

  11. My daughter is "Sarah" with an 'h' and I've always been quick to correct those who wanted to spell it without its last letter. I'm introverted too, so I don't like having to deal with details that really don't seem to advance the important things. I do hope all will go well with this upcoming Bible study. Blessings, Debby!

    1. My husband's first name starts with a C, but people always insist on writing it with a K. My daughter-in-law is a Sara and I asked her when I first met her because I know about the different spellings of names.

  12. Ahhh, my sweet Debby, Please don't let the minutiae get you down. I know the details can be important but the Bible Study should be the main thing... Your gals are going to love you and your style. We don't have to all be "cookie cutters".
    Ok enough on that.
    Relax and enjoy your weekend.
    Yesterday was such a special and fun day. Son and daughter in law took us to San Francisco for the day and we ended up for dinner at Toto's in San Bruno. Wish the one in Daly City was still around.
    I'm trying to put together a blog post about out day trip. Hopefully I will be able to transfer photos from my phone to the blog (Picasa) not always an easy thing for my out of date computer.

    1. For goodness' sake, Toto's on El Camino near Millbrae? I haven't been there in ages. Is the pizza still good? Once we moved to San Mateo, I rarely went down that way. Speaking of the Bay Area, at my church Bible study, I met a gal who graduated from Terra Nova in 1974 (I graduated 1972). What a small world. They just moved up here and love it. Except for the heat!

  13. Oh, P.S. my name is Suzan, not Susan, not Suzanne or multiple variations ( haha) I do know how you name is Suzy, not Susie, ok enough..Struggled all the way since grammar school.

  14. That was so sweet about him cutting the flower for you. There is busyness going on in my life that I can't control. Too many doctor's appointments and I just want to stay home. Yes, that does sound like a lot to take care of being the group leader. I'm glad you were able to get the badge changed. I'm a Debby, not a Debbie so I know where you are coming from. I like how things worked out for you with Kim. I'm glad you enjoyed taking the lead at Bible study. Take care and have a peaceful weekend.

  15. Hi Debby....I'm enjoying your beautiful flowers and plants. This sounds much like my week...I don't enjoy tending to tiny minuscule details. This is exactly what I have had to do ...especially on Thursday and Friday of this past week. Glad you and your son had another good lunch date. I too would have wanted my name corrected. I've been to several conventions with my husband where my name has been spelled wrong...drives me nuts. LOL. Your study sounds very detailed and might possibly require a good bit of your time. I'm sure you have been ready for a quiet weekend with nothing pressing to get done. I hope you will find some time Debby, just for you! If I were near by, I would pick you up and we would have a nice quite lunch, just enjoying the day.

    1. Aw and that would be nice. I'm enjoying this morning so far as my husband is spending time with his daughter and I'm home alone and loving it. He'll be back this afternoon. I always cherish my alone time.

  16. My last name is nine letters long and i frequently need to spell it. It ends with "sen" and people rush to finish writing it and put "son" while I am still spelling it.

    1. When immigrants arrived at Ellis Island or during the censuses, officials often encountered language barriers. As a result, they would record the immigrants' names based on how they sounded, often leading to variations and misspellings.
      I bet there are many with your last name that was a "sen" but now is a "son"


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