Friday on My Mind

Yesterday was such a lovely day spent with my son (Foodie). We have a standing date for most Fridays to run errands together and shop, and we both enjoy these times together that ends with lunch. 

The night before, (Foodie) and his friends attended an outdoor Reggae concert featuring the Dirty Heads and Slightly Stoopid. 

I know I know, Crazy names - but hey in our day we had some crazy groups too. Does anyone remember the Strawberry Alarm clock? (Incense and Peppermints) 

Anyway ...

He lost his debit card during the event. When we caught up the next morning, he casually mentioned the lost card, seeming less concerned than I would have been. So that's what we did - go to his bank, cancel the card, they gave him a new one. We also had to make a trip to the DMV for some paperwork. Then proceeded to do our regular shopping and a delicious deli sandwich at our favorite place! 

To our delight, the long day turned out to be breathtakingly beautiful. The weather was cool and cloudy, with a fragrant breeze drifting through the air. 

I captured the image above through my dirty car window -  while seated in my car, waiting at the DMV. The leaves rustled and quaked in the gentle breezes. With my windows rolled down, the scent of autumn filled the air, and I couldn't help but think of the approaching fall season. However, amidst the sensory experience, a tinge of doubt crept in. Would the upcoming days be filled with sunshine and warmth, pushing the promise of autumn away? Where did my beloved season go?

The familiar tale goes like this - 
Summer still lingers, as the call of Fall grows stronger. 



  1. Losing my card would be hard for me as I use it most days. Glad he for it cancelled before someone else used it. a beautiful picture. I started decorating for Fall ad am loving th colors I chose this year. Janice

    1. I was uneasy until he canceled it. Fortunately his account had not been breached.
      I’ll start trickling in some Fall come Sept. 🍁

  2. I would have been really worried if I lost my debit card. Glad you got that taken care of. It's so nice that you have a standing date!
    It's been cool here, and I'm not quite ready for that yet! I'm hanging on to Summer at least through August. :)

    1. My son tends to be a bit naive at times. I know I couldn’t relax until I knew it was taken care of. He was very fortunate. He’s always been one who has to learn the hard way - drives me nuts.
      I can understand not wanting the summer to pass. Maybe you’ll all have another mild winter like the last.

  3. Yes, even with global warming and everything else, the seasons are still dependable. But they seem to come faster and faster.

  4. There's always the number on the back of the card. Easy to call and have the card shut down, should the bank be closed next time the card is lost. And, our bunk has an app, I don't use apps on my phone but for those who do, the debit card can be turned on and off during use and non-use times. This is not the same as hot carding, aka closing a card down. The app is just another layer of protection. When not using the card, no one else can either. Though, if they did spend on his card, he could file a dispute and in many cases, he gets the money back. Still not fun to have stolen and fraud on the card. That's why the app with an option to turn debit card on and off, works well for folks who enjoy upps on their phone.

    1. With the card lost he didn’t have that phone number. He just wasn’t as concerned as I was. That’s just the way he is. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    2. That's true. The bank would have the phone number on their website in that case. And if he had the app he can turn his own card on and off. It's really easy.

  5. Wow, i would have freaked out if i lost my card. First I would log on and stop it. I even looked up how to do for just in case... someone could empty the account. glad you got it fixed up and sounds like so much fun to have the Fridays together. I have never been shopping or anywhere with my two sons, other than a family get together or meet at the beach.. I would love to give it a try, my sons are senior citizens. 57 and 59

    1. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night. He waited till the morning.

  6. Yes, I remember that song! Oh man, haven't heard it in awhile, thanks for sharing. Your day with your son sounds so nice, Debby. It's nice when we spend time with our sons - they seem to give us a new perspective on life sometimes. Glad he got another bank card. And a good deli sandwich at your favorite place to end the day.

    You will soon feel Autumn I'm sure. We're already feeling it here in the mountains. We got some rain, and it's been pretty cold. I noticed a dust of snow on our mountain too.

    Always love your posts, Debby.


    1. You’re so right on that different perspective on life our sons have. I do enjoy it and so does he. Just wish Navy and I had that but he’s busy and he has his wife. It happens!
      Yes it’s been lovely. I’m all excited even if the temperatures this week are in 90’s it’s still way cooler than July.
      I’m glad you enjoy the posts. That pleases me. 😘

  7. Those Friday's sound nice with Foodie. Glad he was able to take care of his credit card and the paperwork at the DMV.

  8. Foodie must have a really level head, Debby. I would be frantic if my card went missing. Glad he could straighten it out before any damage was done. And yes, I remember that band and the song. Blessings!

    1. Level head and he doesn’t get all worried at the things I do. Both my sons want to be their own men - and that’s good but they do tend to be way more laid back about the things I find important! Ahh, mothers and sons. Gotta love them.

  9. Sounds like a lovely day with your son.

  10. Hi, I would have been worried about the card too. I am happy it turned out well. I LOVE that you have a standing date!!!!! That would be something I would like to do with my boys.


    1. There might be one Friday he has plans but I’d say 3 Fridays at least we do errands and go out to lunch - he pays!!!

  11. I would panic and have a meltdown if I lost one of my cards as mine are all Visa Debit Cards no pin required for tap and go

  12. Sorry about the Credit Card loss but glad it was not 'pinged'. Yipes. That's scary.
    We're have a faux Fall here in SE Georgia. It feels so lovely.
    Have a great week! 💙

    1. We’re enjoying cooler temperatures in the 90’s. The morning and evening are cooler. Fall is just around the corner

  13. Such a beautiful picture of the green tree. I find it fascinating how the limbs intertwine. I most likely would have been in a panic to hurry up and get my card canceled. I'm glad that your son was able to get to the bank and alert them. How awesome that you all have a standard lunch date on Friday's. I know you throughly enjoy spending this time with him. Love the sunflower! so bright and this photo sure brightened my day!

    1. I have a thing where I like looking up to the inside of a tree. I’m an old treehugger so trees are my thing.

  14. Several years ago I lost my debit card. I had used it to the to fill the tank of my Xterra as we were heading out for a camping trip Friday for the Labor day weekend. Realized I didnt have it the following Monday on the way home when I stopped for gas. When I got home it was laying on my front porch, apparently it fell out of my pocket right before we left. I was amazed it was still there as my porch is not far from the sidewalk and my card is red. I was lucky no one picked it up and tried to use it as I didn't have cell service the entire weekend.

    1. Wow, it's a good thing it was on your porch.


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