Monday and a New Work Week

Standing on the Sundial Bridge looking down at the geese
swimming in the Sacramento River
From my Blogger archives

It's Monday, the start of my work week, so I had the entire weekend to unwind and recharge. I enjoyed napping and just taking it easy. On the weekends, I avoid getting in the way of those working or running errands. 

My husband had a big doctor appointment at the VA this morning where they x-rayed him from the shoulders to his ankles. Next will be an MRI. He also has to see the Podiatrist again and the Audiologist. This particular VA clinic is really on the ball and I am grateful for that! 

Today and tomorrow, I will dedicate my time to organizing everything for the Bible study. Additionally, my husband will start his Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for men tonight. In between all of this, I still have my other duties. 

Saturday Evening

My 43-year-old stepdaughter came for dinner. For those who do not know, she has an intellectual disability. Cognitively, she is a teenager. (with all the same hormonal teen-girl issues) She's facing some challenges after losing her part-time job due to funding cuts. She's finding it hard to live within that budget even though it is fair. She is on SSDI and has reduced rent, and she is receiving unemployment as well. Actually, she is only making $100 less, but she doesn't understand that. To her, it means she is limited on how much she can spend on nail polish, eyeshadow and DVDs. She also was recently diagnosed with mild glaucoma in both eyes. She is not concerned about it - I just hope and pray the Doctor sat down and talked with her about it. Thinking like a teenager who has been on her own for eight years, she wants no advice from us whatsoever. She googles everything; even if the information is wonky, it's gospel truth to her. 

Oy vey is all I can say. 

Not my church. The community church in Weaverville. 


After the baptism on Sunday, everyone gathered for a potluck. I spent time in the kitchen, washing dishes. 


Unfortunately, my hands suffered from the prolonged exposure to dish soap, giving me "dishpan hands." I must be allergic. My hands were red and burning. Next time I will bring my rubber gloves!  

Memories of the Day

I received these memories from Microsoft OneDrive, and although I typically don't pay much attention to them, today I decided to take a look. I thought it would make for material for a blog mention. 

In the first photo, you'll see my little backyard pond with its flowery surroundings. 

The following photo captures me, experimenting with a filter.

The two photos depict individuals who are significant in my family history. One features my mom's biological grandparents, a discovery made through Ancestry. The other showcases a first cousin of my mom's from the same side of the family. I was the one who discovered the DNA that proved her father was not her biological father. She died never knowing the truth. 

The poignant only-to-me image of the ocean captured from a boat represents the moment my brother-in-law scattered my sister's ashes off the coast of Pacifica, creating a bittersweet memory.

Alright, friends—it's about time for me to conclude this post and redirect my attention to the upcoming tasks that require my focus.

I hope you have a great start to the new work week. 

Take Care



  1. It must be frustrating having to deal with an adult like your stepdaughter who is mentally challenged. That takes boatloads of strength, patience and prayer, for sure. I did enjoy your photos that you shared from your family tree, too, and the poignant memories the boat wake has for you. I hope you and yours have a blessed week, Debby!

  2. What a thought provoking posts.....makes me wish we could sit down together and visit. You and I have both lost a sister - and I am loosing another one to dementia. It's been a year since I've see her. Intersting about your DNA findings. You never know what stories you may uncover through that testing.
    I imagine it is somewhat of a challenge with your step daughter. You are a blessing to her whether she realizes it or not......
    Wishing you a good week of September Morns!

  3. Well, that's nice that you don't want to get in anyone's way over the weekend. Never thought about it, and it makes sense, as we are retired, and they most likely just want to get home, cause they work during the week. The geese on the river is so pretty. Is that Palmolive dish soap? I still use that to this day. It's the only thing I use. I'm sorry to hear about your stepdaughter losing her job, that's awful. And that's sad about her eyes too. I hope she gets treatment and care for that. That's a neat picture of you, kind of looks ghostly.

    Have a terrific week, Debby.


  4. **I think we were visiting each other at the same time haha. Yes, thank you for the bigger font. I did notice that I could read it better today. : )

  5. I absolutely remember those commercials and I still use Palmolive. So sorry to hear that you mom never knew her father. Maybe they met up in heaven. Janice

  6. I remember the Madge commercials! Oh, your poor stepdaughter, so young for glaucoma! I love your little pond!!!

  7. I do remember the dishwashing soap....the one that would make your hands look so young. I totally understand the challenge with your I have a niece with similar challenges. Her level is around 10-12 years old. She does live in a home for mild to moderate challenged adults. As her guardian, it can be tough at times. Each of the photos on your memory section has a significant Memory for you and thank you for sharing. I know for me, there are times that I just need to share precious moments to honor a memory or to somehow allow myself to say...."I haven't forgotten you or the things we shared." Hope you have an incredible day Debby.

  8. That DNA is really fascinating. I wish I understood it more but I'm admittedly Medically Challenged. Just not smart enough. I guess I'll pass without ever knowing for sure who my birth-father is. I thought I had found him in the 80s but he doesn't want me either. Oh well. God knows and cares. That's enough.
    I remember the Palmolive commercials.
    Hope your step-daughter will be OK. She's so fortunate to have family that care about her.
    God bless ya. 💙

  9. It sounds like a typical weekend, with the typical ups and downs.

  10. we had no TV until 1960 and daddy owned it, which means I missed this old commercial. I do remember plop plop fizz fizz, ha ha and Maxwell house coffee.
    I am sure it is hard to see your stepdaughter making her own decisions, living on her on and acting like a teen. I know I was 19 when I married and had no clue about anything.
    I had a conversation with my son in TN on my birthday and he was whining about trying to live on his wife's disability check, and his check and the totals he gave me were more than bob and I make with our two SS checks. I had to bite my tongue about how they spend what they have.. for one thing they had NINE dogs in the house, now they are down to 5, big dogs eat a lot of food and have vet bills. OOPS I slid into my thoughts.
    Happy Tuesday enjoy the rest of your day

  11. DNA is fascinating stuff. That's how we found out we had another niece in the family. thankfully it has worked out for us. a few of the family are finding it more difficult to accept than others.
    You are going to be the best leader at BSF. I can't wait to learn what things you have discovered in the book of Revelations.


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