On the Tip of My Tongue Hodgepodge

 1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 

To be honest with you. I don't think about cliches at all. I don't deliberately go out of my way to use them, but there's always one - on the tip of my tongue when I need it. 

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? 

I can't even recall the last time I accidentally broke something. However, my husband seems to make up for me with his own series of mishaps.

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? 


Have you had a s'more this summer?  


Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'

Mint chocolate chip ice cream

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? 

I haven’t had the opportunity to experience the convenience of the Bird scooters available for rent in our town. Since their arrival in 2019, they have become a presence all throughout town even appearing in my own neighborhood. I have hesitated to partake in the experience due to my fear of potential accidents. Having suffered two falls in the 16 years I have lived here, both of which necessitated surgical intervention, I have decided that it would be wise for me to forgo the opportunity to ride the scooters. They look like so much fun. 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? 

The recent significant event that comes to mind is my oldest son's birthday on the 7th. Even though Michael has passed into Glory, I feel grateful to God for the 25 years I had him. He would have been 47 years old. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

There's only one sunset, 

and it's been going around the earth for billions of years.

Until the next Hodgepodge,

Take Care -



  1. I've never been on one of those scooters either. They do look fun and would be a good way to get around town.
    Love your random thought!

    1. They look like a lot of fun, but I'm going to have to pass. I don't believe I have ever seen an old lady with white hair on them!

  2. I do like a S'more, but over campfire. Yes, we made them this year, but not camping, but yes over a campfire. My husband burned up the weed eater, and when I went to use it, there was smoke coming out of it. He forgot to tell me. I'm still waiting for it to be replaced.

    1. You can have my smores!
      Oh no, on the smoking weed-eater! That could have started a fire.

  3. Happy Wednesday Debby. Those special days that connect us with the loved ones we have loss, are so very special and they never truly get easy. It is important to concentrate on gratefulness during these times. I too am not a S'mores lover. My kiddos love them, but I never eat them. I think they are too sweet for me. I broke one of my favorite lamps about a month ago...it shattered into a thousand pieces. YIKES!! I guess the cliche that I have used most is "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". I don't use cliches often though. I always enjoy Hodgepodge Wednesday.

    1. Oh boy, a lamp? That's a biggie. When I looked at a list of cliches, many of them I heard often from my parents, who heard them from their parents and so on and so forth.so I'm certain that I've used them myself.

  4. Finally, someone else who doesn't like s'mores! (*wink*)
    Those scooters look like something I had in grade school. Unfortunately, my bones are no longer grade-school quality, so unless they come with training wheels, I'm going to pass.

    1. I thought I was the only one! My sons don't have a sweet tooth, so I know they share that with me. Even as a child, I found them messy and gooey. I don't care for marshmallows, so that would be the key culprit.
      Lol that's a good one. I don't have "grade-school" quality bones either! LOL

  5. Any mode of transportation that requires balance isn't on my bucket list, Debby. Like you, I do love mint chocolate chip ice cream, and have never liked s'mores in any way, shape or form. I hope you enjoy your day!

    1. Falling on asphalt at my age doesn't sound fun.
      We have three total who have joined the Anti-Smores Club!

  6. Never been on a scooter either. Looks like fun but my sense of balance isn't as good as it used to be. Would hate to fall off the thing.
    I guess II use the saying of it's right on the tip of my tongue. Dave and I often say that it takes both of us to make one working brain..Remembering certain words gets harder and harder the older we get.
    Love s'mores and I'm with you on the mint chocolate ice cream..my favorite.
    August has been a difficult month for us. I did get my first perm and haircut in 2 1/2 years. Oh boy was it needed and felt so good. I have been cutting my own hair but it finally got to the point that I couldn't rescue it any longer.

    1. How nice a new haircut after that long. I hope you like it.
      I have thick, wavy/curly hair (curly in some places and wavy in others) that no one can cut properly. It drives me crazy. After two weeks, I need another cut.
      We have some mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer that we'll have tonight. Yummmmmmmm

  7. I am so clumsy and accident prone. I know the first time I would get on one of those scooters, I would end up in the E.R.! They do look like so much fun, though!

    1. One part of myself is urging me to give it a try, but the rational part of me is warning that I could end up seriously injuring myself. I think I'll opt for sensibility this time.

  8. Some good answers here, yeah the scooter looks like fun but I would either fall off it or ride it into something or somebody

    1. I'd be afraid to ride one in the street with all the cars. I saw a guy do that the other day - no helmet and going fast. Crazy

  9. I would fall on my butt if I got on one of those scooters. Not for me. Janice

    1. I'm not going to do it. I've had bad falls, and the older you get, the harder you fall. I just missed the opportunity to ride one.

  10. I just had mint chocolate chip ice cream today! Isn't it the best? I'm not sure I'd like riding the scooters. Seems like it would take a long time to get where you're going.

    I hope you have blessed September days coming up, Debby. And I wanted to tell you that I am really enjoying your new blog and all the posts you've shared so far. Thank you for the reads. : )


    1. Sheri, I appreciate your positive feedback about this blog. I am delighted that you are finding it enjoyable. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best. I have some in the freezer for tonight.
      Some people find scootering more enjoyable than walking, and it's a fun activity. I am so looking forward to September's arrival. We have just a couple more days.
      I hope you enjoy these last days of August!

  11. I loved my little red scooter when I was a kid. Last time I was on a scooter was one of my daughter's friends and that was many years ago now.
    I'll be having Mint Choc Ice cream for my snack tonight!! :)

    1. I rode a scooter as a kid but not as an adult.

  12. I was on a scooter when I was a kid and it was fun. Can't do anything that can lead to a fall. Can't have mint anything because of acid reflux. Sorry about the loss of your son.

    1. I had a scooter as a kid but it wasn’t electric and now I that I’m close to vintage, it’s best I don’t.

  13. My friend Bonita rode a scooter like that, she said it is fun, but takes time to get used too. Our boys rented them to ride in Duluth MN... they loved them. But of course they are young people. Ha Ha. ;-)

    1. My husband said we should practice riding it in an empty parking lot. I’m still not too sure about it.

  14. The mode of transportation I would like to try is a "One Wheel". I don't know anyone that has one to try and I would most likely end up falling off it but would still like to try it.


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