A Nutty Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. How did you meet your husband? significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend. 

In the late 1990s, we first crossed paths on an AOL message board dedicated to divorced Christians. Our discussions centered around the theology of being a divorced Christian. It was during these exchanges that he reached out to me via email. His greeting of "Shalom" piqued my curiosity about him. After exchanging emails for a few months, we finally had a phone conversation. He had been in Florida for a few months, supporting his father who had undergone heart surgery, and he mentioned that he would be returning to Seattle in a couple of months. He inquired if he could stop by while on his way up to WA and I consented. We had our first encounter - then we sustained our friendship over a long distance. He would make trips to San Francisco, and I would travel to Seattle. He was getting serious - I was not ready. We kept this up for a few years - I made him work hard to win me over as I hesitated to marry again. Without delving into all the mushy details, we married in 2002. 

2. It's Department Store Day (October 16)...do you still shop in department stores? If not, do you miss that kind of shopping experience? Do you have a favorite department store? Any fun memories of department store shopping when you were a child? 

Macy's has always been my go-to department store. I have a special connection to it because I worked there in the early 1980s. Even though I have many fond memories associated with Macy's, I don't get to shop there as often as I'd prefer.

I have vivid memories of accompanying my mother on our shopping trips to Market Street in San Francisco. The bustling N Judah streetcar would whisk us downtown, where we would visit iconic stores such as The Emporium, Macy's, the City of Paris, I. Magnin, and the Roos Brothers. These outings were always special and filled with excitement. Christmas was magical, and we would get our photos with Santa on the rooftop of the Emporium building. 

3. Something you're currently nuts about? 

Nothing comes to my mind. 

4. What's your favorite nut and is there a favorite recipe where this nut is used? 

I like all kinds of nuts, although my digestive system doesn't always agree with them. I particularly enjoy indulging in chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, and zucchini bread, all of which are made even more delicious by the addition of walnuts. 

Does anyone remember the decadent Walnut Layer Cake that used to be sold at the Sara Lee outlet on Disneyland's Main Street? 

It was a delight. Unfortunately, they discontinued it after a while, much to the disappointment of many including me! 

5. On Wednesday we officially reach the '70 days until Christmas' mark. Have you purchased any gifts? If you don't celebrate Christmas then how about Hanukkah presents? 

No, and No. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Today, exterminators are coming over to attack the rat infestation in our yard and on the hill. Although my husband believes he has managed to get rid of most of them, I am concerned about the possibility of more rats seeking shelter in our garage or, even worse, inside our home once the rainy season begins.


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