Blessed is the one who...

So, how is your Revelation Study going? 

I thought I would just summarize Rev. 2:12-3:6: I'm currently approaching the study in bite-sized chunks. Afterward, I summarize the information as a way to better understand and process it.

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. 
Rev 1:3

In my 40 years, I had skimmed through the book of Revelation several times, never fully grasping its message of hope. I used to rely on other Bible commentators to interpret it for me, but there were so many different interpretations, often conflicting with each other, that I began to feel like I would never truly understand it. In these uncertain times, I felt a strong desire to delve into this particular study. My goal was to approach it with an open heart and mind, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide me. 

Being determined, this time when I read Rev. 1:3, it hit me:

Read it, hear what you are reading and take it to heart what is written. Taking it to heart, would mean you are thinking about it seriously. To be deeply affected by what is being said, because the time is near.

I am currently experiencing a profound sense of gratitude. These blessings were always within reach, but I used to gloss over them. 

And Don't we all want God's blessings?

So, I'm making good progress. I'm understanding more than I initially expected.  Every week, I study my prescribed lesson -  thoughtfully writing down my answers to discuss at our Leader's meeting - I read the BSF notes (which are excellent) and then attend the powerful 45-minute lecture - I'm finding my thoughts and emotions are overflowing with everything I'm learning and the profound lessons that God is imparting to me through it all.

In the book of Revelations, specifically chapters 2 and 3, Jesus assesses and evaluates the state of His churches. It's fascinating to consider what it would be like if Jesus were to visit and assess the condition of His churches today. 

Do you think He would be pleased? 
Have they held on to their first love? 

Are they teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness? 

  • In his introduction, Jesus describes and reminds the people of His divine identity.
Example: The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. 
  • He consistently begins by focusing on the favorable aspects of the Church. 
Example: Philadelphia and Smyrna received high praise. 
  • He proceeds to inform them of the issues at hand, and He is not pleased. 
Example: While Ephesus received praise for doing good things, Jesus told them, 

"You have forgotten your first love" Rev. 2;4
  • He presents them with a challenge. 
Example: Repent. Return to your first love, that zeal you had when you first loved Him. Stop sinning. 
  • He ends with heartfelt promises. 
Example: Eternal rewards such as 

*The right to eat from the tree of life

 *Not to be hurt by the second death

*Hidden manna and a white stone with a new  name written on it, known only to the one who receives it 

 *Authority over the nations. And the Morning Star 

 *Clothed in white garments, and their names will not be erased from the Book of Life. 

 *Made pillars in the temple of God

 *Sit on the throne with Jesus 


 When I focus solely on Jesus and avoid getting caught up in all the symbolism and various interpretations, I have a much clearer understanding of this incredibly significant prophecy in the Bible.

Ephesians 1:17: 

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

I loved this prayer by Joni Erikson-Tada on studying Revelation:

May you be granted deep wisdom and profound insight, allowing you to develop a richer understanding of Christ Jesus. As your heart's eyes are opened, may you be granted a breathtaking vision of His awe-inspiring majesty and His profound tenderness as revealed in the extraordinary book of Revelation.

All of it is a thought-provoking reminder for all believers to seek God's direct guidance by studying scripture yourself instead of always relying solely on the interpretations of others. God gave us a brain and His helper - 

Be Blessed - 



  1. thank you Debby for this post. Revelations is so difficult for me to truly understand. I can hear the enthusiasm that you have for this study, just in your words. This is a huge Blessing. I must say.... and it saddens me terribly.....I believe that Jesus would likely find that many churches have become complacent in their faith. As members of the church, We must all examine our own heart, and see if there is anything in our lives that has caused us to leave our fervent pursuit of Jesus. Thank you again for this post.

    1. It’s difficult for many but the trick is to keep your eyes on Jesus and not to get overwhelmed by all the symbols, signs, visions and their meanings. Plus a verse at a time - it really will reveal itself to all.

  2. I'm glad it's going well. I think the combination that BSF uses; with study at home, a lecture and discussion really leads to understanding - and of course it's bathed in prayer.

    1. That repetition helps me plus as a leader of a discussion group I get the advantage of hearing a 2nd discussion.


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