Tuesday's Hidden Tidbits

This morning we have smoke - 

The Shoe Fire here in Shasta County,  is at 5,124 acres and is 29% contained. 

As you can see, the sweet gum is starting to showcase 
the very beginnings of fall color...

I'm doing laundry. 

I program my washer to start around 5 a.m. to use the lower rate for electricity. 

We do the same with the dishwasher. 

I plan to start getting my cooler clothes out - and refreshed (jeans and long sleeves) although I tend to run hot - it's still good to start getting them washed and ready. I won't have the time to be doing all of this, during the holidays. 

This morning was the coldest so far - 47* 

It will be 75* for a high today. To me, those are perfect temperatures. 

This Redbud tree (which is more like a bush) that the birds gifted us, has some beautiful color. 
We will keep this one. 

As I’ve shared previously, my roses thrive beautifully in the cooler months here. My theory is during our scorching and arid summers, the heat saps the energy from my roses, preventing them from blooming abundantly. They survive the sweltering days, conserving their strength, and when the refreshing coolness of autumn arrives, they burst forth with vibrant blossoms, bringing life and color back to the garden.  

I can always count on my roses. 

When nurtured in the right conditions, I can thrive and blossom, regardless of the challenges life presents me. Their vibrant petals and resilient stems remind me that beauty and strength can emerge even from adversity. I make sure now to take moments for myself to rest and rejuvenate my soul by allowing time for devotion, prayer, and reflection, embracing stillness in this busy and confused world. These times of dormancy are essential for my growth and well-being, allowing me to emerge refreshed and ready to bloom. 

Yesterday, I bid farewell to my Christian counselor. I sought her guidance after a painful fallout with my stepdaughter, which left me feeling betrayed and hurt. I allowed those feelings to weigh me down, but now I recognize that those past issues are behind me. This newfound clarity empowers "this rose"  to look ahead with strength and positivity. It’s a good feeling, and I’m grateful to God for Kristina, who helped me get "unstuck."

The geraniums will stay outside for the winter. 

Early this morning, we heard water hitting the roof near the kitchen window and thought it was heavy rain. However, my husband found out that a sprinkler head had broken, shooting a powerful spray of water high into the air - it looked like Old Faithful. 

A mum that I have had for several years - 

That's all I have for this morning - or afternoon where most of you are at. 

Enjoy today! 




  1. Things are looking so pretty around you! (Even with the smoke) It's beautiful here too, our temps are similar to yours today, the leaves are all changing and everything has a golden hue!
    I'm glad the counselor helped you and you are now able to move on!

  2. Your photo of the way the trees frame your birdfeeder is wonderful!!! I have never seen a Redbud with yellow leaves in the fall! Your rose is beautiful. I am so glad the counselor was able to help you and you have been able to put this behind you.

    1. It’s a California redbud. Maybe that’s the difference?

  3. Oh Debby...I am so sorry that you guys have the smoke in your area. Was hoping that this fire would be more contained by now. It is so sad to me in knowing that the forest areas are burning and that peoples homes can be destroyed. I think of all of the wildlife as well. Your rose is beautiful and I am happy that you are coming away from your counselor with a wonderful attitude. This is awesome! I am enjoying the gradual change of the trees around here. I took several pictures today as I was driving down a Country road. Enjoy your almost perfect weather and temps.

    1. Fortunately there is not a huge population of homes - just a few. It’s just in a hard area of rugged and steep terrain that makes it hard plus we’ve had some wind which fans the flames.

  4. We're having the same temperatures as you, and I agree it's perfect. However, later in the week the highs will drop down to a more normal high 60s.

    1. Even 60’s is beautiful. That’s SF weather!

  5. The smell of smoke isn't nice
    I am in long pants when I get up and when it warms up change into shorts, I like the pretty flowers

  6. You absolutely need to take time for yourself, Debby, for quiet reflection and to feel God's peace surrounding you. And the roses? Gorgeous! Blessings always!

  7. I wear jeans and long sleeve t shirts year around here. :)
    Love the heart shaped leaves on red buds.
    Beautiful rose.

    1. Wow. I don’t like wearing jeans over 69 degrees. Socks and shoes are hard to get used to when you haven’t worn them in 6 mos or so.


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