It's been a Frugal Friday

They sure are pretty, even if they are only for the birds. 

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying, add a single hour to your life? 

Matthew 6:26-34

Happy Friday, Friends. 

Today, I went to the grocery store. I used to enjoy shopping for groceries, but now it's become a challenge. I find myself having to put back items I wanted because I refuse to pay the high prices in smaller packaging. At the checkout, I make last-minute adjustments to my shopping list to stay within budget. As I watch my items move along the conveyor belt, I try to estimate the total cost, but it always ends up being more than I anticipated. I can't help but reminisce about the days when I didn't have to be so mindful of prices while grocery shopping. I've always been careful with my spending, but now it feels like I need to scrutinize every price and be extra vigilant. And I still walk out defeated. 

I strolled into a Walmart for the first time in months, having to buy some self-adhering bandage tape for my thumb. As I waited in line for someone to unlock the items kept behind glass, I couldn't help but think that I could have made a round trip to the pharmacy in the time I spent waiting. I had forgotten that even Band-Aids are now kept under lock and key at Walmart. To make matters worse, the staff member didn't simply hand me the bandage tape; instead, she encased it in a plastic locking container, adding an unnecessary extra step to the process. 

Despite the tempting displays of Fall Decor and new items. I resisted the urge to browse and walked right past them, saving 100% on impulse purchases. 

Then I went into Target - and walked right past their DollarSpot in the front - I felt so rebellious. I didn't even cast my eyes on the stuff that I am sure would have tempted me.  For starters, I have just too much stuff and I have yet to go out to the 120-degree garage to pick and sort through it all. I had a mission, and there was no deterring me from it. I had to purchase a new purse. Target had $40+ purses. I'm sorry, practical and thrifty me can't justify spending $40 or more on a small purse from Target when I could pay $40 on FOOD! (or to Samaritans Purse for the Hurricane Helene Relief) 

There wasn't a lot there I liked. So I purchased a small cross body camouflage-green purse for $16. It's fine, and it does the same thing as a $470 cross-body Louis Vuitton! I saved $100% 

So, I saved 200% today. 

Currently, my husband is in the kitchen, baking bread. Despite the mess he tends to make, he always does a great job cleaning up after himself. He lays down a drop cloth to prevent any spills or crumbs from dirtying the floor. When he's done, all he has to do is gather up the cloth and take it outside to shake off any excess flour or crumbs. - I suggested that we consider marketing the product and selling the idea to the Pioneer Woman. The product is a drop-cloth specifically designed for baking and cooking purposes and it would be like the rest of her merchandise - very cute! 

He takes pleasure in baking bread, and although we have a bread machine, he chooses to make it by hand for this particular recipe. He finds the process to be very soothing and calming. That's retirement! 

There's another Apple Harvest event happening tomorrow. It's my favorite because they always have live Bluegrass music playing. There's nothing quite like sitting back, enjoying a slice of homemade apple pie, watching people, and tapping your foot to the lively music. 

Have a great weekend. 




  1. We have an apple festival here tomorrow, too. Is this yellow fruit a ripe pomegranate? I buy my purses usually at Goodwill, have found fifty dollar Vera Bradley for twelve dollars. So I have a few of those. Your bandage adventure was wild! It is sad that it has come to this.

  2. I am happy that there's only two of us to buy groceries for. I don't know how a large family would manage. Apple pie and bluegrass music sounds like a perfect combination.

  3. How your day brings a smile to my face. Gotta LOVE a man who bakes!
    I never heard of Band-aids being cloistered under lock and key. Whaaaaat's that all about? Because I'm such a sucker for 'deals' it's probably best I continue to refrain from in-store shopping.

  4. Hi Debby, I am like you now with shopping, more frugal and getting what I need and not what I want. Nice that your husband cooks. So does mine. It will be hot over the next few day. I can hardly wait until the cooler weather gets here! Have a great weekend!

  5. Shopping is no longer a's always a challenge, no matter what you are shopping for. I am not a big purse person. I use one purse basically all the time until it falls apart. I hate changing purses and don't like to change them just because I'm wearing navy instead of black or vice versa. I used to change purses on Sunday and just carry a little clutch bag to church, but even that is a pain, so I carry my every day purse every day! LOL. No one seems to notice anyway! They are probably all hoping I don't notice their purse! LOL. Those apples sure look delicious! (I don't mean the type of apple, but they look really good! LOL). We don't have apple festivals here in Florida since we can't grow them here. I would love to go to one. We hope to get some fresh apples later this month when we take a little trip to N. Georgia. I bet your house smells good when your hubby is baking bread! I love to smell bread baking and also apple pies! Sigh! Now I want some! LOL. Have a great weekend.

  6. The apple pic is so pretty!
    I can't believe your band-aids are locked up.
    You did great on the purse purchase.


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