Blessed Connections


I'm relieved it's the last day of August. Although the scorching temperatures have returned, the mornings are still pleasant and cool for outdoor activities..

There have been a lot of things happening around here lately. It's not just me who has been keeping busy—my husband has been just as occupied.

We're becoming official members of our new church tomorrow. I love the strong sense of community and personal connection there.

The Pastor entrusted my husband with coordinating a special men's breakfast event with a nearby mountain community - for the end of Sept. 

Also, because of our love for the local Jewish community, he asked us to serve as ambassadors to a nearby Jewish Synagogue that is around the bend from where our church is. 

And that is what we both did—we made email contact beforehand out of respect and asked if we could visit. They agreed and asked that we not proselytize, which we had no intention of. We attended their Friday evening Shabbat. My husband baked Challah bread as a gift, and they received us warmly. Where they are situated, they are vulnerable. So my husband told them our church would provide security if they should ever need it. 

The following day, we attended their morning Sabbath services. During the service, a friendly couple around our age expressed their desire to reciprocate our friendship by visiting our church. They also generously gifted us a book of Jewish liturgy and prayers at no cost. (Siddur) 

It touched my heart. 

I was trying to find a blessing, and there were so many to choose from - Let's go with this one: 

Let songs of praise to God ascend,

and voices sweet in chorus blend.

Welcome, welcome, day of rest,

Day of Joy the Lord has blessed

All cares and sorrows now bid cease

and fill our waiting hearts with peace

Welcome, welcome day of rest

Day of Joy, the Lord has blessed. 

Enjoy this Last Day of August 2024. 

And Be safe if you're out driving around. 



  1. This is so WONDERFUL!!!! You guys are awesome. Why can't everyone respect and be friends no matter what their belief...God has led you to a wonderful church where your gifts can be used as they should be.

    1. Yes and Amen! We're very grateful to be a part of this new church.

  2. P.S. What is this beautiful pink flower?

    1. It is a lone oleander flower. Usually, they bloom in clusters, and I thought it was so pretty all alone.

  3. I'm so happy you found the right church for you and are already joining in. Good for you for making contacts at the Synagogue and have even met someone there. Very touching!

    1. See what the right church can do? We both are very pleased. Thank you, Jesus!!!

  4. I love that you found a new community. Happy new adventures to you and your hubby.

  5. Beautiful!!! We once had a Rabbi visit our church when we lived in Alabama. Smiles

  6. I am so happy for you guys. This sounds like a great church that you all are joining. You both are so dedicated to doing the Lord's work. How exciting to be able to attend services at the jewish synagogue and isn't it comforting to know that there are people there who want to attend your service. I'll be speaking prayers over you all tomorrow.

    1. We were actually shocked but very pleased. God is good.

  7. So glad you were able to find another church community. What a nice gesture by fellow church goers. God is great! Janice

    1. I really thought we were going to have a hard time finding a new church community and it was there all the time at the women’s Bible study I was attending!

  8. I'm glad you and your husband found a good church to attend with Jewish ✡️ people. Even being asked for help there is good. I've got a book and video from a Jewish company that I support. I need to watch the video soon. My daughter came home safely this evening and got off I-5 as there's alot traffic back up due labor day weekend. She went to a friend's bridal shower . I just ate a piece of peaches 🍑 crisp she made and took it to the bridal shower. It's delicious as it's peaches I got from a farm last year. I freeze them to make pies or crisps. 😋 Have a good weekend.
    P/S: nice plants and flowers on your other post. I've thought about getting an aloe vera plant but not yet. Neighbor next door has some cactus in big pots. It hot here as well but a cooler evening while watering plants when uts getting dark. God bless you!!

    1. Oh I enjoy peaches in any form. It’s good you froze them. Aloe Vera is easy to grow and when you find their sweet spot, they get big, flower and grow even faster.
      We’re still in the 100’s but nice and cool in the mornings and after midnight.

  9. That warms my heart too that y'all found a good Church with a sense of community. That's so important. Thanks for sharing the happy experience with us too. God bless. 💙

  10. I like the poem. It was nice to read it on this Sunday morning. That's thoughtful of your husband to bring Challah bread to the Synagogue as a gift for them.

    Happy September Debby!


    1. Happy September to you too, Sheri. So excited for more Fall as it reveals itself more each day. 🍁🍂

  11. That is beautiful news about becoming official members of your church. Serving for ambassenders is beautiful news. God Bless You. That was lovely about the couple who came to you and gifted you with that book. Enjoy your Sunday.

  12. Sounds like you found the right church and are jumping right in to the church community. I would like to visit one of their services, we once had a short service done by a rabbi in our church in the evening and it was really touching. so happy for both of you

  13. This post was heartwarming.

  14. So happy that you found a great church to become part of.

  15. What an amazing overture your husband and you made to your local synagogue, Debby. Oh, how my heart has been aching for our Jewish brothers and sisters in the wake of this senseless antisemitism that is raging in this nation, and the failure of the current administration to do/say anything about it. And then, of course, there is Israel itself. When I woke to hear the news about those hostages being killed, my heart broke for their families. May we all let the Jewish people in our communities that we stand with them. Blessings!

    1. Yes I feel that same ache. The horrible hate will be hitting college campuses around the country. Already here it is starting and I feel for our Jewish community. We must stand with them no matter the cost. Never again means NOW.

  16. Well, it is obvious that God was in this move to the new church. I love when we see confirmation so clearly! And I love the connection you've made with the local synagogue. What a beautiful way to build bridges of faith and love. That is what Christ would want us to do. The blessing that you shared at the end sounds so familiar, like a hymn that I have heard before. It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. I would love to hear the music to it if there is any.

    1. Yep, you’re right. It was God all the way in His leading me first to the ladies Bible study and then eventually to the church. God knows exactly what His children need. I am beyond grateful

  17. I am happy you and your husband found a church that feels right for you. Also being the ambassadors for the local Synagogue.


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