Friday Flowers

Crepe Myrtle 

This morning, I made a quick stop at the veterinarian's office to pick up Laydee's medications. The veterinary building is a nice building and the meticulously maintained landscaping always adds a pleasant touch to the surroundings.

I noticed that the cross beams of the building are lined with spikes, which I learned were installed to deter pigeons from perching and nesting there. It used to be a common sight to see pigeons nesting in the corners of the beams from the waiting room, and it was quite entertaining to watch them. However, their presence led to some destructive consequences, and they also posed a nuisance by leaving droppings on people as they entered and exited the building.

Rock Pigeons of Shasta County

I believe I'm among the minority who have an appreciation for pigeons. They are closely related to doves, and I find them to be quite beautiful, especially with their iridescent markings on their necks. In my opinion, they have a gentle and endearing nature.

I've noticed that pigeons are quite common around the WinCo store in my town, whereas I rarely see them anywhere else. It's curious how they seem to congregate in that particular area. Across the street from the store, there's a Vet office, and around the corner from there is a Target, both of which have become territories for different birds. The Target area is overrun with ravens, while the WinCo area seems to be dominated by pigeons. It's fascinating how these birds establish their own territories and start taking over specific spots. 

I remember an encounter with a pigeon when I was working in San Francisco. I had just dropped off my car for service at Ellis Brooks Chevrolet and was walking down Van Ness Avenue to catch the bus. All of a sudden, a pigeon decided to relieve itself right on me, and it went straight into my eye and mouth. It was pretty gross. We don't have as many pigeons here as they do in San Francisco. Dealing with that on a regular basis would definitely get old fast!

The two crepe myrtle flank the entrance to the Veterinarian's office. 
I've noticed people cut and train crepe myrtle in different ways. I actually like the way these are cut because it shows the beauty of the tree limbs. 

White Rose of Sharon Tree. 

Those pretty white flowers were on the grounds of the Trinity County Courthouse. 

A fun little tidbit of history

After an 1860 grand jury reported that "bed bugs had invaded the offices of the sheriff and the clerk, had defiled the records, and had even attacked a judge on the bench," Trinity County supervisors began to consider moving from the old Weaverville courthouse, which at the time was shared with the Masonic Lodge. 

In 1865 the county purchased the existing brick building that housed offices, hotel rooms, and the Apollo Saloon, which boasted the first piano in the county. The courthouse is the second oldest courthouse still in use in California and serves as a cornerstone landmark in Weaverville's Historic District.

Red Valerian  

My phone couldn't recognize the type of woody flowering shrub/tree.  It looked like a type of rose particularly because it had thorns. I spotted it just outside the art studio on the main street (299) of Weaverville.


Our drive to Weaverville, nestled in the Trinity Alps, on Wednesday morning, was a delightful journey back in time. Established in 1860 amidst the frenzy of the California Gold Rush, walking through its streets, one can't help but feel the peaceful rhythm of everyday life, interrupted only by the occasional traveler venturing towards the coast.

We enjoyed a large double dip ice cream cone for lunch, but it was so big that I should have only ordered a single. My husband ended up benefiting from my mistake.

Retirement allows us to explore for a couple of hours, return home, and take a well-deserved nap. Our proximity to historical landmarks and charming towns is a true blessing.

Thanks for stopping by - 




  1. Your photos of the flowers are beautiful and show the glories of late summer, Debby. Ice cream for lunch? That's such a great retirement indulgence, for sure. Let's all vow to enjoy every moment of retirement.


    1. Sometimes the quality of the meal doesn’t equal the high price - when that happens it’s ice cream!🍦
      They sure give big portions in these small towns!

  2. The flowers are lovely. You are so very lucky to have such lovely blossoms still blooming. We have mourning doves here and absolutely adore their song each morning.

    God bless.

    1. I have a lot of doves in my yard and hear them every morning. They’re back at our bird feeder which they monopolize for about 45 minutes while I’m making dinner. I used to raise the white doves. I love them and could hold them and kiss them. I’m weird that way.

  3. Oh, what beauties to enjoy around you! I loved the pictures of the flowers. Our crepe myrtles are starting to stop blooming now that we are getting to the end of their season. But they are so beautiful while they are blooming. Speaking of pigeons, I once had an unpleasant encounter with one back when I was working for the school district. It was a back to school meeting for all of the office staff personnel in the county, and at lunch time we had boxed lunches and could sit anywhere outside. I was sitting on the steps at the entrance to what was actually my old high school alma mater. I had on a nice new outfit for the start of the new school year. All of a sudden I felt something cold and wet hit my back and slide down the full length of my nice new top. Yep! A pigeon was right up above me, acting totally innocent! I had to go inside and wash out my top and wear it wet for the rest of the day until it dried. Yeah, they may be pretty to look at, but stay out from under them for certain!!!

    1. That’s so funny about the pigeon encounter! They just can’t seem to hold themselves or else it’s payback from being called “rats with wings”

  4. LOL...a cute story about the history of the courthouse and the bedbugs. The purple flower looks like what we call an Althea Bush....I think it's same as rose of Sharon. Not sure though! All of the flowers are so very pretty. Isn't retirement great? I really am not retired from a job, as I have not worked outside of the home in Years. My husband (Sam) is not retired, but it is President of a family owned business and is home quite often. I could sure use an ice cream cone right now. I always enjoy visiting My Shasta Home.

    1. I enjoy the old newspaper articles. They told it like it was and no political correctness at all.
      I’m happy you like to visit my blog. That really pleases me! ❤️

    2. I was also going to say that the unidentified flower had leaves like a rose of sharon

    3. Yes the leaves are like that from a rose bush.

  5. I have never seen a Valerian. I have really enjoyed your story about the local bird communities! We have a large group of Wal-art crows. I did not know about this spike prevention!

    1. When I was a child we have sea gulls everywhere. They would wait in the playground after we ate and then fly to the picnic tables for scraps.
      Remember the Alfred Hitchcock movie the Birds? That was just up the coast from me in Bodega Bay. Great movie!

  6. Northern California has a lot to see. So many pretty flowers during a country drive. I live in the city and it does not have the wide-open spaces feel. We drove up the 395 a couple of years ago to Lake Tahoe and it was a beautiful drive! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. When we drive into Tahoe or Reno we go in the back way - same with Yosemite. Driving 395 is beautiful from Modoc County in the northeast of California all the way down to Death Valley. It takes me back into time.

  7. What a lovely reminder of my former home. We had three of these beauties in our front yard.

    1. Hi Annie. Thanks for dropping in - so you’re from Weaverville? Small world in the blogosphere, isn’t it?
      They are beautiful.

  8. Such beautiful flowers! My favorite in the photos is the White Rose of Sharon. Just lovely. The bedbug story in the Courthouse was interesting. That would be horrible to have to deal with that. Ugh. Have a great day. 💙

    1. With all the people coming in from around the world during the gold rush, bedbugs was no doubt one of many things that were brought here.

  9. The Rose of Sharons are blooming here too. My neighbor has a red and pink one and they are huge. We have lots of pigeons here too and when I worked in our small town up the river I did enjoy seeing all of the color variations of them. Non where I work now. We have doves in our neighborhood and love to hear them cooing in the morning. Janice

    1. They are lovely.
      I have many doves in my yard but have never seen a pigeon in my area. That’s probably a good thing!

  10. Your photos are lovely. We have a crepe myrtle tree in front of our house. I never knew what it was until this post. Thanks. Pigeons are beautiful birds, but their roosts get messy. We rented a BnB apt once, which had boasted about their balcony and the view. When we opened the door to go out, about 4-5 pigeons took off. the balcony was a carpet of bird poop. Apt was nice, though.

    1. Yeah, that would be gross. We have many birds in our yard, and they all leave their gifts—on the patio umbrella, on the chairs, etc. That's just birds doing, what birds do.

  11. Such a pretty array of flowers. The crepe myrtles are especially nice. Your trip to Weaverville, the older part of town, sounds interesting and fun. I always love to see the downtown areas of towns - there is so much history in them. Yes, the pigeons are pretty in their own way, but I think they make more messes and tend to invade the parking lots more than the precious doves. Looks like you are enjoying the sights in September, Debby.


    **I was noticing your font got smaller when you created your new blog. Or is that just me. Hard for me to read with my tired eyes.

    1. Oh, Sheri, I'm sorry you are having trouble reading the font. I have my font set at medium—large is too big. This particular theme doesn't allow me to set it by number.

      TRY THIS - Use Ctrl + to enlarge the font. If you're reading by phone, go into your settings and enlarge the font there. I have noticed the font does appear smaller on the phone. Let me know if that works.

  12. Interesting post. I like the history that you shared. The flowers are very pretty. Yum on the ice cream! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Debby. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well.


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