Labor Day

This morning my husband was in the midst of cutting some branches when his electric saw,  suddenly stopped working. It dawned on him that the power had gone out, prompting him to grab his trusty little electric tester to assess the extent of the outage. After some investigation, he discovered that the outage affected all of the outside lighting, the shed, and the patio, but thankfully, the power was still running in the garage and the house. 

His first aircraft carrier, The USS Constellation 

My husband has expertise in Electrical Engineering, a skill he acquired during his time in the Navy and Coast Guard. Our house wiring runs through the crawl space attic, and to access it, he'll have to navigate through the the small space and insulation. I've suggested that he tackle this task tomorrow morning when it's cooler, but there's an urgent matter that requires his attention. He needs to check if there's a live wire that needs to be capped, and if so, it must be addressed immediately. I have full confidence in his abilities, as this is well within his area of expertise.

So, that's our Labor Day so far. 

My sons and daughter-in-law have to work on Labor Day, so we don't have any plans. Despite having to work on the holiday, they are compensated well and don't mind it. I want to take a moment to appreciate all the essential workers who selflessly work on most holidays without complaining. 

All the military men and women continually serve, whether it is a holiday or not. 

Nurses, Emergency Medical personnel, Care facilities, Janitors, Police, Firefighters, Retail workers, Travel Personnel, many in the Food industry, Technical and Security workers, Customer Service as well as the Hospitality industry and many more. 

Labor Day is made possible by the hard work and dedication of many essential workers who continue to provide their services even on Labor Day. Without their tireless efforts, we wouldn't be able to fully appreciate and make the most of this day off. 

Take Care,



  1. Your first comic made me laugh out loud! Thanks.

    1. That’s great! Laughing out loud is good for our bones!

  2. I wonder if some people even know what labour day is and the struggles people went through trying to get a decent, doable working week

  3. We didn't do anything different today. Just another Monday for us, but a good one. :)

    1. We tried to do nothing but the electric issue was the mainstay of the day.

  4. Well, at least it sounds like an exciting Labor Day!! Love your hot dog cartoon!!

  5. It's good that your power didn't go out in the house. I hope it comes back on in the shed and outside areas. I like the last cartoon. That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? haha Happy Labor Day, Debby.


    1. Yes, it does. I remember my kids asking me that when they were in school. "How come Mommy doesn't get a Labor Day?"

  6. I giggled when I read your first comic. Sorry that all your electric went out. Hopefully there isn't a live wire.

    God bless.

    1. So far, he hasn't been able to see if we have one due to the heavy insulation. I called an Electrician, who will be here this afternoon. My husband was able to rule out some things.

  7. Your memes were fantastic, Debby - they say it all! Yes, may we always be thankful for our essential workers who go above and beyond in order to serve the needs of others. I think it's so cool that your husband served in our military and is a whiz with electrical engineering. My step-son is currently in the Air Force.

    1. It's been 30 years! I called an electrician because it looks like it may be a bigger issue.

  8. Debby,
    As a nurse, I always had to work either the Eve or the Day of every Holiday as i worked night shift...My son and DIL also worked Labor Day as they both work in retail....We too have a quiet Labor Day...My older son and I....Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope your husband gets to the root of your electrical problems...
    I hope you enjoy the upcoming week!!
    Debbie-Dabble blog

    1. To solve the issue, either he or the electrician I have coming over later this afternoon will do the work. He's done a lot of troubleshooting to narrow it down.
      Nice and quiet Labor Day is great. Ours would have been that way, if it hadn't been for the electric issues.

  9. I love the comics.. I sure hope your husband found the issue and that it wasn't anything too major. I am thankful for his service that he gave to our Country!! 🇺🇸 It can be a scary thing, not knowing if there is a live wire some place. I too am grateful for those who are required to work on Labor Day. We spent the day checking on Sam's dad and then cooked burgers and hotdogs with our kiddos for dinner.

    1. That sounds like a good dinner, and it's always nice when you can share it with your kids.

  10. Being retired, it was just another Monday for us. We did go grocery shopping. Those are still open too.
    The hot dog cartoon is so true! Sad, isn't it.
    My husband is retired BellSouth/AT&T. He's really good with electronics too. I've learned a lot about such things from him. My father was a FP&L (Florida Power & Light) Technician. This all runs in the family, so to speak. *lol* 💙

  11. Nothing wrong with a nice quiet Labor Day weekend! Mine was exceptionally so because hubby worked every day! Have a good week!

    1. Sounds good to me. Nice to see you Jeanette.

  12. That is a sweet post about those who give their time to our country and those we have to work on Labor Day. I hope you found out the issue with the power.

  13. That's wonderful that your hubby knows wiring. Good skill to have. Our long weekend whooshed past us. I'm on lunch break now.

    1. I remember when holidays would go by so fast you hardly knew what hit ya. Now it's weeks and months that go by so fast.

  14. Terrific post as usual. Yes, I am very grateful for all of the essential workers and those in the military too. Thank you to your husband and I hope he can find the source of the electrical problem.
    Our holiday was very quiet. Neither of us had any energy and felt like blobs so that's what our day was like. The only cooking I did was put 2 huge artichokes in the instant pot and wah-lah..dinner for two. Peerfect for the roasty toasty day.

    1. I love artichokes. I'm going to have to get me a instapot. If it will make my life easier in cooking, then I'll probably get one.

  15. since we retired we ignore all holidays, we found most of them were just a day we did not have to work, including labor day. I just know that it is the holiday in the week of my birthday.. we are in fact now finding it difficult to keep up with what day of the week it is without looking it up. by the traffic in our beach town we are the only ones that feel this way Ha ha
    I too am grateful for all of those who work Any and all days, holiday or not doing service for others

  16. Gosh this is the truth...most nothing is made in the USA anymore. Such a shame. Such a shame also that the younger generation seems to think that Labor Day is a party to for the end of Summer. What are we Teaching? Your cartoons you inserted did make me smile and laugh. Janice


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