September 1


September has arrived, and I understand that not everyone may share the same level of excitement as those of us who have endured scorching summer temperatures and wildfires. While September itself may not bring immediate relief from the heat, it does signify the promise of cooler weather as we approach the end of the year.

In the northern region of California, the eagerly anticipated rainy season commences in October. This marks the time when the storm door unlocks in Alaska, ushering in a series of colder, damp storms. These downpours are embraced by all after a scorching summer characterized by relentless heat and arid conditions.

As September arrives, many homeowners begin readying their homes for the upcoming winter rains and cold. This may entail undertaking long-delayed projects, such as installing a new roof - the sound of pounding and the distinct smell of tar become familiar signs of the approaching Fall. 

One year we replaced the windows and the roof, just before...

For us, it's always just in time

 Or installing a new HVAC.

Just in time, too, because we had our first significant storm that night. 

 Simultaneously, others take the opportunity to plant new lawns, aiming to reduce the need for extensive watering and establish a picturesque spring setting by carefully placing bulbs for vibrant and colorful blooms. The availability of bulbs in stores serves as a gentle reminder to promptly secure them, as delaying may result in missing out altogether. Meanwhile, some homeowners delve into the task of rejuvenating their houses with fresh coats of paint, while others turn their attention to nurturing winter gardens, sowing peas, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and an assortment of salad greens - Making certain that fences are sturdy and performing any necessary repairs before the arrival of the strong winter winds.

Probably similar to what you might find in other regions of the country...

In the past, the beginning of the school year was typically after Labor Day, but nowadays, children return to school as early as August 15th. 

I miss that. 

Our current temperatures are in the low 100s, but the mornings feel comfortably cool, and our lows are now around the low 60s, providing some relief as well as hope that Fall will soon be here. 

Autumn is the best season to see California—or at least it used to be. It's the time when the temperatures dip to a pleasant 70-80 range, making it perfect for hiking adventures! Lower temperatures enhance the overall experience, allowing me to sustain my energy levels for longer periods. Higher temperatures tend to deplete my energy. I absolutely avoid hiking when the temperature is between 90 and 100 degrees. It just feels like a disaster waiting to happen for me.

We used to take off for some cooling coastal relief in Sept or October. 

No tourists - less people. less traffic

Or enjoy camping when the campsites are almost empty. 

Driving into the backside of Yosemite on 395

Personally, Sept 1 has me thinking back to 
fond sentimental memories - 

I lived in Burlingame in 1977 when Michael was born on August 7. I vividly remember the cooler temperatures arriving in September, and I have such a clear memory of walking with him in the stroller. The streets were lined with eucalyptus trees, and their aromatic scent wafted through the air, accompanied by a subtle hint of cold. We used to turn our clocks back a couple of weeks earlier than we do now, and I preferred it that way.

Fact Check: I looked it up out of curiosity, and it was only a couple of days—we turned our clocks back on Oct 31, 1977, and this year, it will be on Nov 3. 

And then, after all of that,  the rainy season arrives. 

Take Care


  1. Happy September Debby! Here in Michigan I hate to see Summer ending, because I know that means snow will be coming in too short a time. But I understand why you love Fall. Your posted some great photos today. Autumn in CA looks wonderful!

    1. Someone mentioned on their blog about the forecast from the Farmers Almanac saying your area will be warmer and wet but not much snow. It’s supposed to be warmer in the mid west and cooler on the west coast this year. We’ll see.

  2. Your Yosemite and flower pics are my favorite! I remember when school didn't start till the first week of September. And they should go back to that way when we have these heat waves!

    1. I agree. It makes no sense energy-wise to send children back to school in mid August and having to run the AC. It could save $$ on energy costs.

  3. We will be in the 100's this week. Nice that you get rain soon. We usually don't get rain until January. In 2019, we drove to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite and the weather was wonderful!

    1. The official rainy season starts in October- that doesn’t mean we always get it. We should see our first storm in and around that time. I hope so.

  4. I grew up in Burlingame and seem to remember it getting hot just as school started!

    1. Yes, the Bay Areas best weather is in the Fall. Back in 1977 I remember the days were warm and I would take a late afternoon walk. Some afternoons were chilly. I do miss those “Indian summers” on the Peninsula. That was Fall to me back then.

  5. There's always work to do in the house - roof, windows, back yard, fences, and taking the trash out every Wednesday.

    God bless.

    1. Yes and we try to anticipate the big jobs and hopefully we’re done. Trash is a never ending chore like laundry! It goes on and on…

  6. Some schools started here already while others will start tomorrow. I so love the cooler temps of October and getting out my sweaters to wear. I love sitting around a fire not worrying about mosquitoes buzzing around you at night. The perfect weather like you have in your neck of the woods. However it never lasts and then the snow appears and I have heard we are going to get hit with lots of it this season. UGH Loved your pics of the mountains and your vintage camper. We have a state park near us and I often see retro campers in there. Happy Labor Day and enjoy your cooler weather. Janice

    1. When we bought that motorhome slide outs had just started arriving on the market. It was fun.
      We’ll have a Fall weenie roast in the next few weeks. Nothing fancy, just sitting out back with a fire and some tears, with a light blanket on our laps. Love it.!

  7. I used to look forward to seasonal changes, but since we moved back here to Florida, that doesn't really happen until like January, LOL. IF then, my friend. Such lovely photos, thank you for sharing. Have a beautiful day.

    1. Oh my goodness January? I’m not used to that. While our four seasons are milder, I still look forward to them. Thanks for stopping by Linda.😘

  8. Happy First Monday in September Debby. Your new roof is happening and just in time. I know this will give you all peace of mind since cooler temps and the rainy season is approaching. I would love to make a return visit to the Yosemite area during the Fall season. I know it is beautiful. Your photos are so neat and how beautiful those mountains are. Oooo those water droplets on the orange daisy flowers makes for a sweet picture. Hope y'all enjoy a good safe Labor Day.

    1. The new roof was 10 years ago!
      I’m glad we don’t have to be concerned about that anymore.
      All major repairs have been done.
      We will go hot/cooler for a couple of months now. I’m excited

  9. Enjoy your fall cool nights and mornings, we will not get that until the mid to late November, we hope it will be like that, this year has not been like in the past.
    I would love to get to cooler temps and a place where there were less people

    1. I hope you cool down soon. I do enjoy four seasons.

  10. Your last two images are exquisite!
    Tho' our daytime temps are still absurd, there's just 'something' about September that lights my senses. I dare not try and examine the why's too closely for fear of spoiling the "BER" months' magic.

    1. Summer will continue to scream with hot weather until Fall overtakes her.

  11. We were avid campers back in the day. Sometimes I miss that but now it's too much work for these poor, tired shoulders.
    Wonderful photos. It's fixin' to rain here in SE Georgia. I do enjoy a rainy day.
    Happy September. Hope y'all have a blessed day. 💙

    1. I used to love camping but it is a lot of work. Much easier in a motorhome - at least half the packing is already in the cupboards.

  12. Neither of us can tolerate hot weather here in Georgia, Debby. In the past, we would take our trips/vacations in the fall or winter. The kids here also start back to school in August - way too early - but their last day for the year right at Memorial Day weekend, so I guess it makes sense. I enjoyed your photos, too.

    1. I think the older we get our tolerance for both heat and cold can bother us. I can tolerate cold better by bundling up but with heat, it’s just hot and if you’re not in the water it’s miserable.
      We used to go back to school just after Labor Day and the last day of school was 2nd week of June.

  13. Lovely photos. The kids here go back to school tomorrow.
    It certainly feels like fall here today. Sunny and cool and in the 60's.

    1. As it should be. Sunny, 60 and cool is a perfect Fall day.

  14. Yes, the rain is definitely welcomed. This has been a very hot summer for us. We are looking forward to the cooler weather. Love the beautiful photos you shared. Have a great day today.

    1. Yes seems each summer is hotter than the year before. It’s getting to be, I dread that summer heat. Yet I do welcome it in, June. By mid July, I’m done! Bring on the rain!

  15. Yes, it sounds like your autumn months are similar to ours, although our rainy season will be ending, but the cooler temperatures will make it possible to do more outdoor activities without the high heat and humidity. I can't even think about spending much time outside right now. This morning we worked in the yard starting at 8:30 a.m. and we were drenched in sweat by 9:00 a.m. I've been indoors keeping cool ever since. Oh, I'd love to go camping in the fall. That would be the perfect time for me too. I hope you have a pleasant September/October, etc. Yes, the "ber" months are the best!

    1. Well, we go back and forth, and now we're heading into a hot spell. It's supposed to be 107* degrees on Thursday. Ugh!
      We might go camping in October when the 100 degrees should be gone. It's a lot of work and I last went camping in 2015. No more motorhome, so it's old-fashioned camping.

  16. I sure wilt in the heat but at least we don't have the humidity like the South.
    Got a bit of a breeze today so it makes the temps. tolerable.
    You asked on my latest blog post if we drove into the City. Nope, our wonderful son drove us and all we did was just enjoy the day. Our days of traveling very far are over...not so much because of our age but the condition of our 1999 Honda. We really don't dare go too far..finances won't allow us to do repairs or buy another car. Same with household repairs..we just Trust the Lord to help us get through this stage of our lives.

    1. I used to love driving in the city; it was fun. Now, I have my husband drive it. I'm just not used to that traffic and so many people.

  17. I am home from spending 10 days camping. I haven't been able to go that many days in a long time and enjoyed to so much. It rained on and off on the way up (Saturday) but was pretty much done by the time I arrived then was perfect the rest of the time. Not too hot but warm enough for me to get in the cold lake a few of the days. I have a small trailer so as you said a lot of the packing is already done. Add food and clothes and away you go.

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun.
      We just have a tent now. —we sold the tent trailer and the motorhome. I can attempt it when the weather is cooler but only for a night or two.


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