The First Monday in Autumn

Isn't this the sweetest little pumpkin? 

Happy Monday, everyone! 

The new season of Autumn has arrived. 

I wish I could report that the colorful leaves have transitioned and are gently cascading from the trees, while the weather has become pleasantly cooler...

Still waiting...

Yesterday, I looked at the weekly forecast and noticed that there's still no sign of Fall weather. The prolonged hot weather plays a role in this. It's drying out the leaves, and I anticipate that when we finally experience a blast of chill, it will serve as a signal for the trees to start shedding their leaves.

Source: City website

The leaves on the trees are beginning to transition into a delicate shade of yellow, depending on the tree.

The sweetgum tree in my yard is just showing signs, and two leaves are starting to turn. 

I like looking up into the trees.

The passage in Ecclesiastes 3:1- beautifully captures the ebb and flow of life with its changing seasons, reminding us that every activity has its appointed time. Similarly, James 1:17 emphasizes the constancy of God's good and perfect gifts, contrasting with the shifting shadows of the world. Reflecting on these verses can bring solace and confidence as we journey through the diverse seasons of life.


On Wednesday, the 25th,  Navy will be celebrating his 40th birthday. It's hard for me to process this milestone because he's always been my "little boy." Actually, that sounds a little sick... I take it back. - because, he's getting older and that means I am too! 

There! That sounds healthier! 

The fact that I haven't seen him in person since mid-July is quite unbelievable, considering he lives just 6 miles away. Our schedules haven't aligned due to our busy lives, but we stay in touch through calls and texts, and I know he loves me - he has his life, and I do too. 

Speaking of healthy mental health - I've decided to scale back therapy to once a month. I sought help during a tough time with my step-daughter. Now, I feel I've achieved a healthier balance and boundary with her, prioritizing my own self-care without disconnecting completely. Kristina and I were starting to be more like friends. I knew the time was coming. 

How appropriate! 

Take Care,



  1. I love that blue pumpkin Debby. It is so cute! Happy Birthday wishes to your Navy. My daughters are 49 and 47. I pretend to be their age, and the good thing is...they let me. Your temps for this next week look similar to what our's was last week...Thankfully, our highs will be in the 80's this week. Thankful that God is working through you to help make things better for you and your step daughter. It is certainly important to take care of our own mental health in order for us to be happy and content. good for you that you feel you have reached a good point for your health. Happy first week of Fall Debby

    1. That's funny. Well, it's not that way with me. I act and look 70 years old, and am fine with that. I enjoy my age! I can even use it to my advantage if I want to. hahahaha! I'll have to post about that sometime. Anyway, I hope you have a good week. God Bless

  2. I love this last quote! and with the way the world is going, who knows? You live in a beautiful place!! WHERE did you get this adorable pumpkin??

    1. It was at a craft booth. Soft and just too cute!

  3. Love your cute little aqua colored pumpkin! Amazing how many colors they come in now! LOL. I even have a blue and white checkered one! Wow, I thought our 90 degree high today was bad! It started out cool at 70, but jumped right up there, with bright sunshine and no clouds today, making it really feel hotter. But now they say there is a hurricane headed up into the Gulf of Mexico and may make landfall on our west coast Thursday. Hopefully it's not going to be a big bad one, but we do need some rain, so I'll take that. Praying it steers away from us, but then then it will hit others on the gulf coasts, so I just pray it will be kind to all. Happy 40th birthday to your son on Wed., my "birthday twin". I hope you get to see him and celebrate with him somehow. Yes, we are getting older, but when I look at the the way things are going in the world, I'm glad I don't have to hang around that many more years. I pray for our children and our children's children, etc., however. Perhaps the Lord will come soon...I know I'm ready. I hope your class in Revelations goes well. There's so much to learn there, and time is running short. God bless you for doing this. Praying for you. Take care and God bless.

    1. Ugh! I'm disappointed. Two weeks ago, we were in the 80s with some 70s. Oh, how I loved that weather. I hope the hurricane sputters out for all of you.
      The study is going well. I have eleven extraordinary ladies who like to share what God is teaching them. They make it easy for me.

  4. Six pm and 96 degrees here. Maybe we need to reset fall for later in the year like we did with the time change, at least for California. Spring has always been my favorite time of year. I like the cooler weather when it gets here but dislike it getting dark sooner. I guess that is because I am not a morning person and get more done in the evenings than morning.

    1. Hi Leslie.

      Well it’s 6:37 and it’s 94. It reached 101 today. I like your idea of a reset!


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