A Wednesday Wrap Up

I used to enjoy the freedom of having an empty calendar and no fixed plans, but now I have responsibilities and people counting on me. As a first-born child, I've always taken my commitments seriously; that's what we do. Since I started facilitating this discussion group in BSF, I've found nothing but joy in shepherding these dear ladies. It may be a commitment in that I agreed to do this for 9 months, and I would be letting down the other leaders, etc., but I'm enjoying all facets of it. There's work and a lot of study involved but God keeps me propped up. I'm still smacking myself over this. My God is doing this, because it sure isn't me!  

Next week, we'll have our group fellowship before diving into our Bible study. I can't wait to get to know them even more. 

In our Leaders' workshop today, they introduced Homiletics, a method for deconstructing a Bible passage to form a summarizing sentence. It's optional, but I hope to embrace it this time around. 

I took the liberty of taking photos for you all - 

I'm sure most of you might already use this method. 

Here is an excellent link to how to apply homiletics to your study of the Bible. 

It goes into more detail. 


I have yet to try breaking it down. This week's lesson is homiletics (in addition to the regular lesson), so I will give it some time on Friday or Saturday. I appreciated that they told us it should only take 30-45 minutes and no longer than an hour. There's a learning curve. I remember years ago, some would spend all day. 

Who has time for that?

Once I can learn this, it will open up so much for me. 

I'm looking forward to trying the method on Isaiah. 

We had a leaders' fellowship before our workshop, this morning which was a great way to get to know the others more intimately. 

We were to break up into 4-5 ladies in a pod and discuss these questions:

What is your biggest blessing you are bringing into this year's study? 

What is your biggest prayer request or heart burden that you are carrying into the study this year? 

This opened up some really deep conversations. 

Change of Subject!

How many of you have a troll or two who stalk your blog and leave anonymous comments that are argumentative and just plain mean? 

Either this is a new one, or the old one found me here! So far, there have been only two comments, so I deleted them.  So, every time she comments, I will pray for her. I say "she" because the comments sound like something a catty woman would say to another woman. If my blog isn't her cup of tea, why bother with what I write about? I don't get it. 

I'm thinking I must rub people the wrong way. This is not the first time I've had to deal with haters. My husband said it could be because I have been boldly posting things that not everyone agrees with or wants to hear. Oh well. 

Something to think about:

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Rev. 1:3

This week we're on Lesson 4 Revelation 2; 1-11


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