Friday's Mixed Bag

New Life

This morning, my late brother's granddaughter welcomed a new addition to the family—my seventh great-grandniece. Her name is Evie.

I now have seven great-grandnieces and four great-grandnephews, with another boy ready for entry within a week or so.

Congratulations to the Alabama side of the family. 

Rat Patrol Continues

There's progress - 

I am actually happy we had rats because the yard is being cut back. 

There were two rats in the trap this morning. 

I really have a strong aversion to harming animals and my husband feels the same way. However, there are times when it seems unavoidable. Rats are not my favorite creatures, but the other day, as I watched them scurrying around the feeder, I couldn't help but find them amusing and even somewhat endearing in their own rodent-like manner.

After all, they are part of God's creation. There really should always be a good reason for it, and it should be done as humanely as possible. I saw two instances on the news where animals were left behind in Florida. One was tied at the side of the road to a fence and left, and a dog pen with several animals was just left. These were in areas where they were anticipating floods. It's just horrible. 

Today, he still has half of the hill left to work on, but he had to stop because of the heavy smoke. Our air quality was particularly bad, reaching a level of 258 at one point.

I disassembled the roof of the bird feeder and thoroughly cleaned out the feeder. I'm currently letting it air out to ensure it's completely dry. Additionally, we purchased a sturdy metal pole to replace the old wooden one.

While exploring the hill, he stumbled upon a complex network of underground tunnels. He also plans to trim the bushes near the backyard fence.

We really dislike this rat grass (Pampas Grass) because it's invasive and my dad planted it many years ago. He scattered the grass all over the hill, but we discovered that the sharp leaves are like knives, cutting our legs and even the dog when we walk through them.

In Other News...

While cleaning out my photos on the phone, I forgot about this one. 

While on our way to Mt. Shasta about a month or two ago, we were alarmed to see four motorcyclists speeding on the opposite side of the interstate. The reckless behavior made me fear for the safety of others on the road. The is no phone access through this area -  I never did find out what happened next as I was unable to access any news updates while on the road. In something like this, all you can do is pray for God's protection for the other drivers. 

It's like they had a death wish. 

Where there is smoke, 
there is Fire

As I headed to the grocery store this morning, I was taken aback by the thick haze of smoke that hung in the air, making it difficult to breathe. I had to rummage through my belongings to find a mask before leaving, and luckily, I came across a cloth mask. While it provided some relief from the smell, it wasn't sufficient to shield me from inhaling the actual smoke. I realized the necessity of N95 masks, which we used to have on hand for situations like this long before the onset of the pandemic. It's unfortunate that wearing any type of mask here tends to draw disapproving looks. Despite that, I wore the mask initially but ended up taking it off once inside the store, only using it as I walked out to my car.  It's frustrating to feel judged simply for taking steps to protect my lungs from the smoke. 

Our internet connection was disrupted again when vandals deliberately cut the fiberoptic line. This is the second time it has happened in just a few months. Most of the area was out. 

Shoe Fire
2,237 acres - no containment

I discovered the reason behind the name "Shoe Fire." It's actually located on a mountain in Shasta County called "Shoeinhorse" mountain, which stands at an elevation of 5,154 feet. Interestingly, the fire originated at Madrone campground, so one might assume it would have been named after that location. Personally, I would have named it the Madrone fire.

The neighborhood is unusually quiet today, with very few people out and about. We're staying indoors due to poor air quality from the fire. The silence is almost eerie, making it feel strangely surreal.

Source: Science Photo Library

And Last but not Least

It's been two weeks since I accidentally cut my thumb. The wound has healed well, with new flesh filling in the deep cut. However, I've noticed a shiny red, swollen mark at the base of my thumb. It feels warm to the touch, indicating that it may be infected. After looking it up, I found that it's likely a nail infection caused by the trauma of the initial cut.

I soaked the affected area in Epsom salt and applied a generous amount of Neosporin, but it's still throbbing. I really don't want to go to urgent care at 3:30 in the afternoon, and especially not to the ER. Besides, antibiotics tend to upset my stomach. I hope it heals on its own. It seems like such a trivial thing to go see a doctor for.

When we're young, we tend to brush off injuries without much consequence. However, as we age, seemingly minor incidents can lead to unexpected health issues. For instance, a friend shared a story about her mother, who developed Cellulitis after bumping her ankle on a chair. I had never heard of this condition before, so I looked it up. I learned that Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that can become quite serious if left untreated.

I'm just saying - getting old is definitely NOT for sissies! 

I think I covered all the stuff I wanted to. 

I hope you all have a wonderful, accident-free weekend. 

Until next time,



  1. Oh gosh, maybe you should go to Urgent Care. Ours here is usually almost empty and so much better than the E.R. Thanks for finding out about the Shoe Fire name. I totally agree about killing animals. But sometimes wild rats seem to be right on the line. And they can spread disease. Those mask haters make me so mad! They need to understand that not everyone has the same blessings of health, nor do we all have a good immune system!

  2. Before I forget...I need to tell you what my doctor told me to do..I had to have surgery on my finger due to an infection under the bed of my nail. He removed the nail and along with an antibiotic that I had to take, he had me soaking my finger in baby DREFT laundry detergent. He explained how important it was for me to soak It in the draft with warm water. I was amazed at how it helped heal my finger. so sorry that you all are having the smoke from the fire. Seems like you have had a lot of smoke this year. Glad to know why this fire is called the shoe fire. Debby...the yard is looking great! Not only will y'all be getting rid of the rats, but the yard will look amazing. Congratulations on the new baby in the family. Hope that mom and Evie are doing great. Nothing like the sweetness of a newborn baby. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. That picture of the new mom and sweet baby Evie just melted my heart, and literally brought happy tears to my eyes. That is so precious. What a joyous blessing a sweet new baby is! Thank you for sharing that picture with us. If truly blessed me.
    Regarding the yard and the rats, etc., the progress being made looks great! I know it is hard work and takes time, but it will be worth it. But seriously, be careful in that smoke. That is dangerous to your lungs, eyes, sinuses, etc. Don't worry what other people thing of have to do what is best for YOU. And yes, please don't neglect getting that finger taken care of. If the soaking and antibiotic salve isn't helping, you may need real antibiotic help before it's too please don't put it off too long. Hope it will soon be healed, but please get it checked! Thank you! (((hugs)))


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