Good Morning, Monday

Good Morning, Monday

The temperature is expected to be high today, with yesterday's temperature reaching 100 degrees. I anticipate a few more warm days in the 90s before we cool down into the 80s over the next 10 days.

No, not yet! 

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

In July, Navy gave us a tomato plant that had slipped my mind. Surprisingly, we stumbled upon it in the garden. My husband carefully planted it among the flowers. Unfortunately, the tomatoes didn't thrive well this past summer but are making a comeback.  They seem to prefer cooler evenings and mornings.

This summer, we haven't had the chance to work on the yard much—it was just too hot. However, we should start preparing for the upcoming rainy season. Otherwise, we might find ourselves working in the yard wearing rain boots and a raincoat.

These California fuchsias bloom this time of the year. (Epilobium canum) is a beautiful species of willow-herb, native to the California foothills and coastal areas.

The hummingbirds love them! 

In the front yard this morning. 


Source: Internet

When I last wrote about Walmart locking up certain products, I wanted to elaborate further on the topic. All I know about it is here - in my semi-rural town and neighboring communities. I would imagine it is worse in the metro areas. 

Source: Internet

In California, there is a law that states individuals cannot be prosecuted for stealing merchandise valued at up to $950. This has led to an increase in theft and why I hesitant to shop at Walmart. The whole shopping ordeal at Walmart has become more time-consuming, often taking double or triple the usual amount of time depending on the time of day. While I haven't visited the grocery section in months, I'm not sure if food items are now being locked up. However, in the pharmacy department, all items are secured behind locked cabinets.  It's interesting to note that even the items that are not physically locked up have tags on the end of the shelves that you still need a clerk to unlock for you, to get the item off the shelf. 

The practice of locking up men's socks has been going on for quite some time. When Pops was still alive, we used to purchase diabetic socks for him. This was before the pandemic, and since then, the situation has deteriorated even further. They lock up men's underwear as well. 

 I guess they are a hot commodity. 

I might go to Walmart sometime this week to take photos of the items that are locked up. I haven't had the chance to explore other sections of the store yet.

Target is not locked up and since I don't "shop" that much, I don't know about other stores in the area. 

I confess, with the exception of food, I do most of my shopping through Amazon. Even with that, there have been reports of "porch pirates." So you have to be careful and be on the lookout for your package. 

So that's what's been happening - 

I'll leave it at that for today. 

Till Next time, 


October 7, 2023 
May their memories continue to be a source of blessing to their families and friends.



  1. so far there are only locked items in the tech dept in our Walmart.

  2. Locked up shelves tell the entire story of how low this administration has allowed things to go. May we never forget, too, what happened a year ago today, and continue to pray for Israel each and every day. Blessings, Debby!

    1. Unfortunately it was uninformed Californians who voted on for Preposition 47 but might add, a certain someone was the California attorney general at the time. And we're a solid one party state.

  3. One of the local grocery stores has installed anti-theft cabinets for expensive alcohol. To get it you can call customer service or enter your phone number.

    1. I don't even know the security protocols for liquor stores.

  4. What a World !!!
    It's mind boggling to me to see how far "we" have fallen ... to even have underware locked up..
    CA is terrible on prosecution..
    Lovely shots of your yard and those little tomatoes. I love a fresh tomato.
    We are suppose to be 100F today too and by the end of the week maybe in the high 80s. I am so looking forward to that.
    Have a great week.

    1. Yeah, I don't get why men's underwear is locked up, and women's aren't.

  5. Hi, so far here in Wisconsin we are still shopping like we all use to do.. but I do wonder how long it will last. Foot traffic in our area is increasing, two homeless encampments have been found and the police have tried to help the homeless head to our local shelters.

    Remembering and Praying with you... They will dance again. xx oo

  6. The tomatoes are looking good! I cannot figure out WHY this $950.00 law! Maybe because the courts are already so backed up? And these big gangs of people who just walk into stores in broad daylight and take anything they want!! There are so many that no one dares to challenge them!

    1. Fortunately up here we haven’t had the mobs going in to steal. From what I understand it’s only Walmart that has these security protocols.
      You’re right - Proposition 47 was introduced to address prison overcrowding, adopt alternative sentencing methods, and reduce nonviolent offense incarcerations.

      No one can stop them. Store employees will be fired if they try to stop shoplifting. Security guards aren’t allowed to do anything but call the police. And the police don’t do anything because if it’s under $950, there’s nothing that can be done.

  7. If Kamala wins, the rest of the US will taste "California-style politics." It's like a cancer. IT will spread over the US and once it gets a foothold, there's no turning back.

  8. Thank you for fleshing out the theft situation, Debby. I'm not usually at a loss for words, but this takes the cake. "Like a cancer" is the sad truth; I find it difficult to believe how many people are drinking the Kool-Ade.

    1. 60% of Californians approved Prop 47 back in 2014. Now about half of that 60% realize they were dupped. I’m just glad I live in a pro 2nd amendment county where people around here carry. That’s why we haven’t had the flash mobs.

  9. I am glad you mentioned Walmart. I went yesterday with my granddaughter and I was so surprised to see all that was locked up. I actually was looking at some Burberry cologne and the lady did not even have a key to unlock it so I could make the purchase. She said....You will just have to come back! 😳. Lord help us! My SIL leaves tomorrow to return to California. He said he is dreading the temps, as we have had low 90 temps here. Your little tomatoes look so good and healthy. Hopefully you will be able to harvest several from this plant. Enjoyed your pretty pictures. we all have to stay vigilant in prayer for those in the path of this hurricane as well as those who have already suffered.


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