You and The Lord's Prayer -

While sifting through old belongings, I found this from the 1980s - someone had given it to me. 

 Just a little something to think about.  

You and The Lord's Prayer - 

author unknown

I cannot say "OUR" if my beliefs don’t include space for others and their needs.

I cannot say "FATHER" unless I demonstrate the significance of that relationship through my daily actions and choices. 

I cannot say "WHO ART IN HEAVEN" if everything I care about and chase after is focused solely on things here on Earth.

I cannot say "HALLOWED BE THY NAME"  if I, who bear His name, do not live a pure and righteous life.

I cannot say, "YOUR KINGDOM COME," if I am reluctant to surrender my own desire for control and accept the just and loving authority of God.

I cannot say, "THY WILL BE DONE," if I am not fully open to embracing the opportunities and experiences that God has ordained for me.

I cannot say "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" unless I am wholeheartedly prepared to dedicate myself to His service in this very moment and in this place.

I cannot say, "GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD"   without making a real effort of paying attention to the true needs of others around me.

I cannot say "FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US" if I continue to harbor grudges and bitterness

I cannot say "DELIVER US FROM EVIL" if I'm not ready to stand up and fight in the spiritual world using prayer as my tool.

I cannot say "THINE IS THE KINGDOM"  if I don’t show King Jesus the disciplined obedience of a loyal follower. 

I cannot say "THINE IS THE POWER" if I fear what others think of me when I mention your Name. 

I cannot say "THINE IS THE GLORY" if I’m focused on my own glory first. 

I cannot say "FOREVER" if I'm constantly worried about what each day brings.

I cannot say "AMEN" unless I sincerely express that, regardless of the outcomes, this heartfelt plea is my unwavering prayer.


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