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Monday and a New Work Week

Standing on the Sundial Bridge looking down at the geese swimming in the Sacramento River From my Blogger archives It's Monday, the start of my work week, so I had the entire weekend to unwind and recharge. I enjoyed napping and just taking it easy. On the weekends, I avoid getting in the way of those working or running errands.  My husband had a big doctor appointment at the VA this morning where they x-rayed him from the shoulders to his ankles. Next will be an MRI. He also has to see the Podiatrist again and the Audiologist. This particular VA clinic is really on the ball and I am grateful for that!  Today and tomorrow, I will dedicate my time to organizing everything for the Bible study. Additionally, my husband will start his Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for men tonight. In between all of this, I still have my other duties.  Saturday Evening My 43-year-old stepdaughter came for dinner. For those who do not know, she has an intellectual disability. Cognitively, she is a teenage

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