Yesterday and Today UPDATE


I received an alert - .06 miles from us was a wildfire. 
It was within the subdivision - in the green belt next to a pond. 

The named it the Pond Fire

My husband wasn't going to wait around for some government agency, so he ran over and checked it out. Sure enough, it amounted to a 2-acre fire set by 2 teenage boys who took off running. 

They laid hoses around it and got it out pretty fast. 

They stayed into the night for any flare-ups. 

They ended up catching one of the teens; the other got away. 

Fortunately, it all worked out. 

What would compel these teenagers to do something like this? 

I was in the middle of my "active" prep. I thought, "This can't be happening NOW"

It did upset me. 


Colonoscopy and Upper GI Endoscopy

I'm relieved that the colonoscopy is over.  They found a 5mm polyp, and the nurse mentioned that I might need another colonoscopy within 7-10 years due to the polyp. 

Now, the Endoscopy was a shock. I wasn't told that. Or maybe I was, and it just didn't register. They checked my chart, and sure enough, my Doctor ordered it. All because I take omeprazole for Gerd and had a diverticulitis attack 10 years ago. I have tummy issues. It first started when my gallbladder almost erupted - emergency surgery around 15 years ago. 

Now this concerns me - they said I had Gastritis - and my stomach had inflammation. They took a biopsy of that as well. 

I guess it was a good idea that I finally had it done. The biopsy will take a week—maybe two—but I was urged to call and check next Monday. That's just enough time to overthink and worry. 

During the endoscopy, a tube was inserted through my mouth, leaving me with a scratchy, sore throat. At times, it feels like strep. I was completely unconscious. Thank goodness -  I tend to be gaggy.

I fasted on a liquid diet for 48 hours—the longest I have ever gone without solid food. I'm surprised I wasn't as famished as I thought I would be. I kept busy and didn't think of it. And it wasn't very good liquid either. I got awfully sick of it.

They gave me paperwork on Gastritis, Understanding Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, Understanding Polyps and Their Treatment, and Acid Reflux. They sent me home with six photos of my Esophagus (which was normal) and six photos of my colon, etc. 

I was home by noon. I tried to eat, but nothing tasted good, so I took a close to two-hour nap.  I will put off going out to eat, till my throat feels better. I'm sucking on a throat lozenge. 

So now I wait - 

I hope you had a better day than I did. 




  1. I hope all goes well with your health issues. Seems like our bodies just want to fall apart even though we try to take care of ourselves. I will keep you in prayer.

  2. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this, Debby. I hope everything works out for you.
    I heard the polyps are rarely serious. What is wrong with those boys who started the fire? I so tired of people taking treating these fires as a game and not the serious thing that it is.

    Take care, my friend.


    1. I'm less concerned about the polyps; it's the stomach inflammation that concerns me.

    2. *just to let you know, I came up anonymous I think because I wasn't signed into blogger at the time.

    3. Yeah I wondered. Good that you signed your name! 🥰

  3. Glad they caught one of the teens, hope they catch the other. Whatever were they thinking?
    What a day you had. It's good it's done. Praying you get results soon.

    1. Another deliberate fire started in a planter box near the shopping area just before the Pond Fire and close by. People saw two teen boys running and they believe they were the same ones.

  4. You have really been through it, two invasive procedures in the same day! I had diverticulosis and diverticulitis for many years. Let us know as soon as you get the endo results. And now you can finally rest!

    1. I don't experience consistent suffering from it. The pain comes and goes. I've had two painful episodes, but it has been a while since the last one. I do have to be careful with what I eat but I figured that out by myself. Oh well.

  5. It is so hard not to worry about health issues.


    1. Yes! I need to divert my attention and keep my mind focused on something else.

  6. I'm glad you got through all of this, Debby, but the after shocks take time to wear off. I do hope that food will taste good again soon as you need to maintain your strength and health. Blessings!

    1. Yesterday, I was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia, so I wasn't thinking clearly and started to get ahead of myself by overthinking and entertaining the "what if's?"

  7. We had a teen start a fire in a field when I myself was a teen. They caught him and he said he did it for the thrill. OMG for the thrill. You could have caught someone's home on fire you idiot. I knew the kid at the time too. He was a troublemaker in school. Glad they were able to contain your fire. Glad your hubby went and investigated. Also I hope all is ok with your health. So worrisome. Janice

    1. The two teens will be going to a program with their parents on the dangers of fire. I hope they will learn not to do this again.

  8. prayers for the results to be good ones and for the time to fly by. I do despise waiting for results of any type of test. my body is past its expiration date and don't I knowit

    1. I am currently 70 years old, and I often reflect on the idea from scripture that our days may come to seventy years, or even eighty if our strength endures. I hope that both of us can maintain our strength and vitality for many years to come.


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